Solution: Run a pfsense firewall on Microsoft Hyper-V Server

February 7th, 2014

Hello Folks,

this one is not IGEL related but maybe intresting, there is a really cool free firewall software called pfsense (

The firewall software is based on free bsd and comes with a lot of cool features but there is one problem… It will not work on Microsoft Hyper-V Servers regarding an issue with the free BSD network drivers but you can fix it. There are some solutions already available but none of same are really working well and/or require some manual actions after boot, so how can we fix it…

Create a new VM in the Microsoft Hyper-V and assign the pfsense ISO file for the installation, make sure to assign only “Legacy” Network Adapters to the VM. The virtual network cards in the VM are named like de0, de1 and so on.

After the installation perform the basic network setup and reboot the VM, the network adapters are not working at the moment so don’t connect to the Management GUI via HTTP. After the reboot open the VM and enter the pfsense console, one virtual network card should have a “working” internet connection! Enter the pfsense shell (Option 8) and type in here:

ifconfig de0 down (repeat this for every network card, like de1)
ifconfig de1 down
ifconfig de0 up
ifconfig de1 up
dhclient de0 (this command is only required for network cards using a DHCP address coming from an other DHCP server, repeat or skip like required)

Now open the HTTP based WebConfigurator coming with pfsense, the network cards should now work until a reboot is performed. Open the System->Packages->Available Packages Menu and install the “Shell Command” Service from here. After this is done open the Menu Services->Shellcmd and add the commands you have entered before in the shell here, keep the order like before and incl. also the dhclient commands if used before. Reboot the VM and everything should work now also together with the Hyper-V, no extra scripts or shell actions are required.



Solution: The King is dead… Long life the King or Citrix XenApp strikes back

January 29th, 2014

Hi Folks,

did you already noticed a small change at the Citrix Website?

XenApp is back! If you look here: it more sounds like a XenDesktop 7 derivate (if you are looking for the old IMA stuff, it’s gone forever and also XenApp 7.5 is using FMA like XenDesktop) but really intresting is the last part on the mentioned site.

Extended Web Interface support

Web Interface support is extended for XenDesktop 7.5 allowing IT to maintain their existing Web Interface investment throughout the migration to the new FlexCast management architecture. (Comment: Funny… The Lack of XenApp 7.5 in this announcement on a XenApp 7.5 related Site means for me: XenApp and XenDesktop 7.5 is nearly the same. (..or someone from the marketing forgot to rework this part of the article. 🙂 ) )

So it’s not only XenApp who is back, it’s also the Citrix Webinterface (against all other Citrix announcements from the past). Iam really intrested to see how this will finaly work but maybe the Citrix Productmanagement has notified that it’s not a good idea for larger Company’s to replace the well proved Webinterface with Storefront regarding the lack of missing features/functions (incl. using an Webinterface Server outside from an Active Directory Domain). Also for XenApp, are XenApp 6.5 features like Worker Groups back? A lot of open questions here…

I did not found much information’s regarding Licensing, Courses or possible Certifications, so there are still also some missing Information’s here (…and enough room for speculations). I hope that Citrix will clearify this soon…

Have fun


Videos: Latest IGEL Videos on YouTube January 2014

January 26th, 2014

Hi Folks,

here are some nice IGEL related Videos on YouTube from January 2014:


IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) (funny):  [youtube:]

IGEL Zero Clients (English with dutch subtitles): [youtube:]

IGEL Commercial from CForwardIT (Reseller): [youtube:]


None commercial:

Demonstrating IGEL Linux with Remote Desktop Services and RemoteFX: [youtube:]

Demonstrating IGEL Linux with Remote Desktop Servern without RemoteFX: [youtube:]


Have Fun


Important: Issue with folder based views in the UMS 4.06.100 and the administrative Task “Delete Thin Clients”

January 23rd, 2014

Hello Folks,

if you are using folder based views together with the Administrative Task “Delete Thin Clients” you should be aware that there is an issue with a folder based view if it points to two or more directories combined with the “or” operator in the view.

As soon you have combined two or more folders with the “or” Operator all Thin Client’s in your environment are “shown in the view”, this is not critical by default but if this view is assigned to the Administrative Task “Delete Thin Clients” it will wipe out all Thin Clients out of the UMS Environment after you have updated the UMS to 4.06.100 and the task is executed.

So if your using the Administrative Task “Delete Thin Clients” have a Eye on this before upgrading to 4.06.100!



P.S.: This issue with the “or” criteria might also have an impact on other views, so please check it if you are use the “Delete Thin Client” Task and disable it before you upgrade to be on the save side.

Release: IGEL Universal Management Suite 4.06.100

January 23rd, 2014

IGEL Universal Management Suite
Version 4.06.100
Release date: 20.01.2014

NOTE: If the windows installer does not start on Windows Server 2003 hosts,
contace IGEL support to get an unsigned setup executable. This will solve
the issue.

The linux installer is tested with
– Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit)
– RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 (32bit)

For further compatibility information check the Universal Management Suite
Data Sheet at
New features

– UMS Console search
* Improved search history in management tree:
– entries are now user specific
– entries can be edited
– UMS Console views
* Added filtering option “device serial number”.
* Added ‘unlike’ as a valid compare operator.
– UMS Console usability
* Improved Thin client context menu to have less entries in each context
menu level.
* Added multi selection support for right mouse button clicks in
management tree.
– UMS Console performance enhancements
* Improved user logon speed in UMS console.
* Improved configuration dialog start time.
– UMS common
* Added user specific UMS SSL certificate support to replace autgenerated
ones. Availabl at UMS administration tree ‘UMS Network’ node.
* Added Microsoft SQL Server 2012 support.
– Universal Customization Builder usability enhancements
* Added default UCB project path setting.
* Improved useability while working on a project.
– UMS Setup/Update
* Improved UMS update process to automatically consider existing

Fixed bugs

– UMS Server webdav
* Fixed access to permission settings in customer defined webdav folders.
– UMS Console WebStart
* Fixed logon failures of UMS console started by Java WebStart with error
“String index out of range -1”.
* Fixed licenses creation with smart card in a UMS console started by Java
– UMS Console views
* Fixed missing copy/cut support in view content table.
* Fixed editing of existing views.
– UMS Console common
* Fixed deleting folders. Now also the content of the folder is deleted.
* Fixed editing of ‘public holiday’ list to work with every permitted user
– UMS Console administration tree
* Fixed UMS Server statistics display issue.
* Fixed sizing of the initial window size of the UMS Administrator
appliction to fit into display size.
– UMS Console licensing
* Fixed assignment of a addon Multimedia Codec Pack from IGEL token to a
Universal Desktop Linux Thin Client (v5 only).
* Fixed create license from IGEL token with empty error message box.
IMPORTANT: No license got lost, only the process failed!

Solution: From dusk till dawn.. The dawn of Sun Ray and Oracles Virtualization solution

January 21st, 2014

Hi Folks,

maybe you already noticed that not only Windows XP is going EOL this year… Oracle´s Virtualization solution and there Thin Client “Sun Ray” do the same this year (see also or here:

EOL this year: Sun Ray Thin Clients

EOL this year: Sun Ray Thin Clients

So what can you do if you are a Sun customer? Igel has no official solution which is available “public” but one tip: Ask an IGEL Sales Rep if they can offer you an alternative incl. the Smart Card support to still maintain and run your current environment and have a Thin Client in place which is also ready to work with other VDI Environments like Citrix XenDesktop, VMWare View or Microsofts Remote Desktop Services.





Tip: Changing Windows Server 2012 R2 Workfolder Port from SSL (443) to an other Port and still keep SSL encryption

January 17th, 2014

Hello Folks,

currently iam very Microsoft minded because i set up a new “private” Environment at home.

With Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft has introduced the Workfolder feature which is a “private” hosted SkyDrive alternative for Windows 8.1, benefit: All files are hosted in your private cloud and not on a NSA Share (or similar 🙂 ).

By default workfolders are using the SSL Port 443 and are not embedded in the IIS Server, this means if you run a secure website thru SSL on your IIS you will not be able to use the workfolder feature at all.

The workfolder management GUI is currently not very useful and it’s not possible to change the port from there, so you have to do it in the manual way.

Important: After this is done you need to manual setup the workfolder configuration on the client devices or thru domain policies, the auto detection feature by email will not work anymore!

1) Change the Workfolder configuration by open the file c:\windows\system32\SyncShareSvc.config with a text editor and search for the entry: :443: . If you found this there should be a “bindingInformation” in front of the “:443″. Change 443 to the port you want to use and save the file, you might be required to get the file ownership in advance to have sufficient rights to save the modified files.

2) Now open the commandline (not powershell!) with administrator permissions and enter: Netsh http add urlacl url=https://*:*yourporthere*/ user=”NT Authority\LOCAL SERVICE”

Replace *yourporthere* with the in 1) configured port number.

3) Open the powershell with administrative permissions and enter: netsh http add sslcert ipport=*yourporthere* certhash=*certificatethumbprint* appid={CE66697B-3AA0-49D1-BDBD-A25C8359FD5D} certstorename=MY

Replace *yourporthere* with the in 1) configured port number and the *certificatethumbprint* with the certificate thumprint (without spaces like 0e78323321Ac3….) and make sure the certificate is available in the computer thrusted store.

4) Restart the SyncShare Service

5) Logon into a Windows 8.1 and go to Systemcontrol->Workfolders and select the setup workfolders options, now don’t use the email account and select that you enter the URL by your own, type in: https://yourserver:yourport and continue with the setup. Workfolders should now sync by using the new port number. For domain computers you can also setup a Policy to force the workfolder setup to the correct URL without user interaction.



P.S.: For Terminal Services running on a windows server, you can create a workfolder SMB share and create a mapping for smb:\\*yourserver*\*workfoldershare*\%USERNAME% to a static drive letter, this will also make the workfolder available in a  terminal server session for the user quite simple.


Tip: Fix Windows Server 2012 R2 can’t add RemoteFX GFX Card to a VM

January 13th, 2014

Hi Folks,

Windows Server 2012R2 seams to have an issue with the RemoteFX Graphic Card, if you have an RemoteFX supporting GFX-Card inside of your server (GFX Card is shown in the Hyper-V settings) you might be not able to add this card to a VM with an error “Error appliying RemoteFX 3D Video Adapter changes”.

This is mostly not related to the GFX Card, the VM or whatever… It’s related to an issue in the Hyper-V Management console, in all my cases i was able to fix it thru the powershell.

1) Open the Powershell with Admin rights

2) Make sure the VM where you want to apply the RemoteFX Video Adapter is not running!

3) Enter and execute “Add-VMRemoteFx3dVideoAdapter -VMName *your vm name*” and execute the command (replace *your vm name* with your VM Name shown in the Hyper-V console).

4) That’s it, start the VM now.



Tip: Must have Microsoft Surface add-on’s

January 7th, 2014

Hi Folks,

here are some “must” have add-on’s for the Microsoft Surface RT / Surface Pro Tablet, the none Microsoft component’s shown here are used by my own together with the Surface RT/Pro Tablet’s but i can not guarantee that similar none Microsoft components will work; you have to test this by your own.



1) Type or Touch Cover Keyboard, must have… Touch Cover is good for “smaller” Keyboard work but i do prefer the Type Cover for longer work.



2) Car charger, several Versions for the Surface RT (2A) /Pro (3,6A) are available at EBay starting at 17€ incl. Package.



3) A Bluetooth Mouse



4) A SDXC extension memory card (up to 64GB)


5) A small USB 3.0 Hub for the Surface Pro or a USB 2.0 Hub for the Surface RT



6) A Micro HDMI to VGA converter to connect a projector, available at EBay for less than 20€; look out for an Adapter incl. Audio (see picture). Surface RT only!


7) A Mini Display Port to VGA and HDMI converter, available at EBay for less than 20€, i recommend this one because it offers two connectors in one Adapter. Surface Pro only!

8) Optional: For the Surface Pro a USB 3.0 to Ethernet Adapter, around 20€ at EBay.


9) Optional: A (battery powered) Mini LED Projector like the Philips Pico Pix 2480 which is a really cool add-on for Presentations or Multimedia, starting at 270€ (Swiss prize).





Experience: Why Microsoft Surface (RT/Pro) devices are the best tablets available…

January 6th, 2014

Hi Folks,

first post of the year and none IGEL related. 🙂

Like promised some time ago in my Samsung/Android article (Article) iam currently kicking out all android devices and this includes also my tablets.

I’ve decided to go with the Microsoft Surface RT and Pro (not Surface 2) running Windows 8.1 for a simple reason, there where sold in Switzerland for a very very good prize (for example less than 250 € for the Surface RT 64 GB incl. Touch Cover Keyboard and a 50CHF Windows Store Voucher) and Apple is not realy an alternative for me.

So what are the reason why i’ve taken the Surface?

1) First of all Windows RT / 8.1 (Pro) is for me the best Tablet GUI ever been done, from my point of view no other OS can compare to it. Of course some people blaming that Office is not really Touch optimized but on the other side… Did these guys always tried to work with an large Excel sheet with Android or IOS? I don’t thing so because it’s mostly crap compared to Microsoft Office and i’ve tested a lot  (Polar Office, Quick Office and other). I also recommend to get an Bluetooth Mouse, it’s really a good add-on for work.

2) The quality of the Surface RT / Pro tablets is very high and can be compared to other high end devices.

3) Very important for me: A native Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Client.. Android and also IOS can not compare with it, sorry but this is the truth. I can deal with all available RDP Features incl. USB device redirection.

4) The optional Keyboards (Touch / Type Cover, i got both) is a must have and both Keyboards are working great for me.. Using a OnScreen Keyboard for Emails or articles like this… No competition.

5) USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 Port (RT/Pro)… Connecting a external HDD/SDD or whatever is working like a charm but you should consider to get an external USB 3.0 Hub (Small one available @ Ebay for less than 25€) or a cheap USB 2.0 hub for the RT. For RT get a look on a RT compatible  logo, x86/64 Bit Drivers will not work and a RT compatible Version must be available. For the Pro Version any Windows 8 compatible Device will work without any issue.

6) Internal SDXC Reader (iam using this to extend the devices with 64GB cards, primary iam having documents/presentations on it) and if you are using real SDXC cards i will promise you that this will beat the read/write times compared to other tablets. For example on the Pro iam running games like Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Civilization and Movies from it and the read time is very good. You can also use SD/SDHC cards but the performance is not so high like a fast SDXC card (Starting at 104MB/s up to 300MB/s which is faster than any other SD card standard (SDHC somewhere around 10MB/s), for example the latest CF Card generation with 600x speed=90MB/s=Slower than the slowest SDXC standard with 104MB/s)

7)  Mini Display Port (Pro) and Micro HDMI Port (RT) Ports to connect a projector or second Monitor, this is a great option and you can get adapters to VGA or HDMI very cheap on ebay (less then 20€). I never got issues with an “none” Microsoft adapter and they are much cheaper as the original ones but you should be aware that a 3rd Party Adapter might not work for you.

8) Very long use time for the Surface RT, in my tests i got more than 8 hours; the Surface Pro could be better but this will also work mostly 3-4 Hours for me; iam not sure what other people are doing with there device but i can’t blame the Surface for a short battery use time.

9) I can run all my Windows applications on the Pro tablet incl. the Hyper-V role, this is very important for me. No app store or similar nonsense… For RT a couple of “features” are missing for me but the most important ones (Archiver, Citrix Receiver and other Tools are available in the Windows Store for free or not much money). One con here is that the Windows Store do not contain a lot of Apps… To be honest, i don’t need 1000 times the same type of app; one good one is enough for me and the App amount is still growing. One Tip… Look out for Project Siena (Beta) from Microsoft, this will allow you to create simple business apps very fast for your company or your demands (; nothing similar for Android or IOS is available.

10) No “3rd Party” Vendor Update mess, i don’t have to deal with Samsung or Apple and i got the same patch Level on all my devices incl. Office at the same Time “Hurray!”. No feature difference, no “Mobile Providers” which have to “agree” to an update and this is really the important feature for me.

11) Printer support, for the Surface Pro no deal and also for the RT currently all my printers are working fine thru network and USB port. Try to print from an Android to IOS device… Funny thing right? …and if you got it to work (somehow), try to print out a larger document or presentation; do it look like the orginal Document?

12) Features for Office are similar to my Laptops/Desktop/Server System’s, Windows Store Apps are similar between Desktop/Laptops and Tablets (incl. one License/paid App for multiple Devices). Why getting (buying) the same type of  app several times for different Operating System’s? Did you already thing about this?

13) Windows RT based devices are coming with a Windows Companion Subscription License (CSL), this is a clear advantage compared to our Tablet Operating Systems. For example if your User are using a “none” Windows private device to connect to your environment you have to buy a extra License (VDA or CSL). Read more in the Microsoft Blog here: Link

Of course they’re more Pro and also Cons for the Surface Tablets but currently for my mobile use this was the best descission ever done, i write this because some people are blaming the Surface devices (RT and also Pro) but iam not sure if these people have ever really compared it to an other Tablet PC during daily “mobile” work and not only in a Lab (a full blown PC, Laptop or Thin Client is not the competition). For my daily mobile work there is no better tablet available and Android or IOS devices are nice just for fun toys for me now and nothing more. Cons like repairing a tablet are nonsense, did you try to repair a IPAD or Galaxy Tab? Why this is a disadvantage for a Microsoft device? Weight.. Yes, it’s not a cheap plastic device and the weight is still ok. These cons often mentioned are not really serious and i only can recommend: Compare it by your own! For me the descission is quite clear now… 🙂



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!

December 23rd, 2013

Hi Folks,

i wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!



Release: IGEL Universal Desktop LX / OS Version 5.02.100

December 23rd, 2013

IGEL Universal Desktop OS 2
Version 5.02.100
Dec 20 2013

Dual monitor configuration for “unsupported hardware” works only if “native
driver support” works properly. It is a prerequisite to assure that the
native driver is really working, as the fallback VESA driver does not provide
any dual monitor configuration. Have a look at Application Launcher’s
About tab->Hardware-Graphics Chipset. If VESA is listed there the native
driver does not work and dual monitor configuration is not functional.
– Citrix Receiver
– Citrix HDX Realtime Media Engine 1.4.0-902
– Citrix Access Gateway Standard Plug-in
– IGEL Legacy RDP Client 1.0
– IGEL RDP Client 2.1
– FabulaTech USB for Remote Desktop 3.1.2
– VMware View client 2.1.0-1213173
– Quest vWorkspace Client 7.6
– Leostream Java Connect
– Ericom PowerTerm
– Ericom Webconnect
– IBM iSeriesAccess 7.1.0-1.0
– Firefox 17.0.11
– Totem Media Player 2.30.2
– Voip Client Ekiga 3.2.7
– Thinlinc Client 3.2.0
– NX Client 3.5.0-7
– Cisco VPN Client
– ThinPrint Client 7.0.58
– Xorg X11 Server 1.11.4
– Xorg Xephyr 1.7.6
– PC/SC Lite 1.8.9
– MUSCLE CCID Driver 1.4.13
– Omnikey CCID Driver 3.6.0
– Omnikey RFID Driver 2.7.2
– REINER SCT cyberJack Driver 3.99.5final.SP03
– SCM Microsystems CCID Driver 5.0.27
– Safenet / Aladdin eToken Driver 8.1.0-4
– ACS CCID Driver 1.0.5
– A.E.T SafeSign PKCS#11 Library 3.0.3665
– Gemalto .NET PKCS#11 Library 2.1.0
– SecMaker NetID PKCS#11 Library
– Philips Speech Driver 12.0.8
– Legacy Philips Speech Driver 5.0.10
– Client 0.8.3 for RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Desktops 3
– INTEL Graphics Driver 2.17.0
– ATI Graphics Driver 6.14.99_git20111219
– VIA Graphics Driver
– NVIDIA Graphics Driver 304.60
– 2X Client 10.1-1263
– Imprivata OneSign ProveID Embedded
Known issues:
– Fabulatech USB Redirection is not supported with IGEL RDP Client 2.
Workaround: Enable RDP legacy mode in
IGEL Setup -> Sessions -> RDP -> RDP Global -> Options page

[Quest vWorkspace]
– Multimedia Redirection:
Sound redirection is not working with WMV/WMA streams
– USB Redirection does not work reliable

[NVIDIA graphics support]
– In dual screen configurations DPMS monitor saving mode creates
display content corruptions on secondary VGA display after resume
New features:
– Updated IGEL RDP Client to version 2.1.
Added support for the following features:
– Audio and Video Multimedia Redirection
– 16bit display color depth
– EGFX support for RemoteApps
– Custom time zones
– Improved RemoteApp stability with IGEL RDP Client 2.1 client.
– Added inverted cursor color configuration at
“Sessions->RDP->RDP Global->Options->Inverted cursor color” or registry key

[VMware Horizon View]
– Added proxy connection settings supporting direct connection,
systemwide proxy or a session specific proxy

– Updated Citrix HDX Realtime Optimization Pack to version 1.4.0
– Added autostart of Program Neighboorhood provided sessions. The list of
autostarted applications can be defined at: “Sessions->ICA->Citrix
XenApp/Program Neighborhood->Logon”.
The autostart mechanism does not care about automatically reconnected
applications. To avoid this, the number of allowed running sessions
can be limited at server side.

[RedHat Enterprise Virtualization client]
– Updated client for RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Desktops to
version 0.8.3.
– Fixed sharing of USB devices

– Updated Firefox to version 17.0.11esr.
– Updated flash player download url.
– Added Firefox browser support to products IZ2-RFX/IZ3-RFX and

– Added DSA key configuration for session authentication at
“Sessions->NX->(session name)->Server” or registry key:

– Improved Evince PDF Viewer to configure print dialog option
‘Auto Rotate and Center’ with registry key

– Added VNC Viewer session setup at “Sessions->VNC Viewer”
– Added hiding of disconnect button at remote shadowing indicator at “System->
Shadow->Allow User to disconnect Remote Shadowing” or at registry key
– Updated smart card resource manager pcsc-lite to version 1.8.9.
– Updated A.E.T SafeSign PKCS#11 library to version 3.0.3665.
– Updated Safenet / Aladdin eToken driver and PKCS#11 library to version 8.1.0-4.
– Added smart card reader driver ACS CCID version 1.0.5. to support the isabel
smartcard reader used in Belgium.
– Added support for german healthcare card reader celectronic CARD STAR /medic2:
Connect via serial port and redirect in RDP and ICA sessions via COM Port
Mapping (device COMx).
– Added support for german healthcare card reader celectronic CARD STAR /memo3:
connect via USB and redirect in RDP and ICA sessions via COM Port Mapping
(device USB COM1).
– Updated MUSCLE CCID smart card reader driver to version 1.4.13

– Added Softpro Virtual Serial Sign Pad: new driver to make Softpro supported
USB signature pads available in ICA and RDP sessions through COM Port Mapping:
Enable support at “User Interface->Input->Signature Pad”.
For redirection the virtual serial device /dev/ttyVSSP0 was added to ICA and
RDP COM Port Mapping setup.
– Updated StepOver serversonet to version 0.7.11.
– Updated Philips driver to version 12.0.8 for dictation with Philips devices
via ICA and RDP sessions:
– Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2012
NOTE: on server side, the Philips driver version has to be v3.2.321.01 or
– Activate at “ICA / RDP Global Setup Mapping->Device Support->Philips
Speech Channel for Dictation”
– For backward compatibility driver version 5.0.10 is available in the firmware.
IMPORTANT: Do not activate old and new driver versions simultaneously.

[Java Runtime Environment]
– Added ability to use IGEL UDC Token with IGEL UMS started by java webstart.
– Updated Java Runtime Environment to 1.7.0 U45.

– Added OneSign ProveID Embedded support in IGEL Appliance Mode with support for
Citrix XenDesktop and VMware Horizon View.
Configure access to imprivata appliance at “Sessions->Appliance Mode”.

– Added configuration of additional Wi-Fi networks (MUlti SSID):
“Network->LAN Interfaces->Wireless->Additional Wi-Fi networks”
– Added Broadcom Wi-Fi driver. Supported PCI chipsets: BCM43224, BCM43225, BCM4313.
– Added Support for USB wireless adapters based on Ralink RT3370 and Ralink RT3572 chipsets.
– Added Support for 802.1X MD5 authentication
– Added new registry key “”:
key enabled (default): if you have 2 network interfaces and one is set up,
the network configuration waits until the 2nd interface is set up
or the timeout for the 2nd interface has ellapsed.
key disabled: if you have 2 interfaces and one is set up,
the network configuration of the 2nd interface times out immediately.

– Updated VIA graphics driver to version increased DisplayPort stability.
– Added support for display resolution of 1366×768
(for INTEL, ATI and newer VIA chipsets).
– Added configuration for panel color selection: Registry keys

[base system]
– Added login user name history to preset the login dialog with the last logged in
user name. To activate this, check “Security->Logon->Active Directory/Kerberos->
Remember last user name” and/or at “Security->Logon->Shared Workplace”.
– Added sound volume configuration at “Accessories->Sound Mixer->Sound Mixer
– Added bulgarian keyboard layout support.
– Updated timezone data to version 2013g-0ubuntu0.12.04.
– Updated german userinterface translation.
– Added XBELL sound functionality to Xephyr X-session.
– Updated IGEL Setup to version 4.5.19.
– Added new quick settings session at “Accessories->Quick Settings Session”.
Through this session you can provide access to the user setup without
being forced to login in as a user. With this mechanism it is possible
to define which parameters a user should be able to configure to establish
a self service configuration access.
IMPORTANT: Do not set a password for user based setup access (still the
administrator can be password protected)

Fixed bugs:
– Fixed invisible mouse cursor.
– Fixed load balance info initialization. Set the “Load balancing routing token”
at “Sessions->RDP->RDP Session-><session name>->Options”.
– Fixed COM Port Mapping:
– reading data from COM port sometimes was delayed or stuck
– some devices did not work at all
– IGEL RDP Client 2 client fixes:
– Fixed COM Port Mapping: asynchronous data transfer did not work properly.
– Fixed timezone redirection.
– Fixed ‘auto logoff’ for IGEL RDP Client 2 client sessions.
Configurable at IGEL Setup -> Security -> Logon -> Auto Logoff.
– Fixed Remote Desktop Web Access authentication problem at the first logon.
– Network mode for RemoteFX auto configuration has been set to LAN.
– Fixed Connection Broker support for Windows Server 2012 (R2) with enabled RemoteFX..
– RD Web Access: Fixed published sessions with ‘+’ sign in the session name.
– Fixed albanian keyboard mapping.

– Citrix XenApp/Program Neighborhood:
– Fixed sporadic issue with missing/wrong desktop icons.
– With enabled desktop folders, empty folders are not displayed anymore.
– Fixed behaviour of Logoff-, Reconnect-, Refresh-button in quickstart panel.
– Fixed redraw issues with ICA seamless applications, if composite manager is running.

[VMware Horizon View]
– Fixed multi monitor support with RDP protocol
– Fixed “Auto Logoff/Shutdown” feature in VMware Horizon View appliance mode.
– Fixed keyboard layout forwarding in Horizon View RDP sessions.

– Fixed memory leak, when opening multiple PDF documents.

[2X Client]
– Fixed 2X Client sessions.
– Fixed window switching if a 2X fullscreen application is running.

– Fixed printing to serial port.
– Fixed printing to CUPS printers out of PowerTerm Terminal Emulation.

– Fixed X server: update to ubuntu version 1.11.4-0ubuntu10.14 to fix a segfault
with solaris 10 XC font service.
– Fixed native graphics driver support on devices with INTEL graphics chipsets,
where ACPI support is not working.
– Fixed wrong background of taskbar separators after screen lock.
– Fixed Egalax touch screen support.
– Fixed Tsharc touch screen support.
– Fixed automatic start of calibration tool for touchscreens with Elographics and
EvTouch driver after successfull calibration.
– Improved reload, logoff, shutdown and reboot icons.

– Fixed bootup with deactivated network interfaces.
– Fixed support for Ralink RT2870 USB WLAN adapter.
– Fixed issue, that network notification does not disappear after boot.
– IEEE802.1x Authentication:
– New support for registry key
Only connect to secured Networks (default false).
– Improved dialog handling for network authentication.
– Improved authentication (LAN and WLAN) to validate the server certificate
and all trusted root certificates in /etc/ssl/certs.
As a consequence, custom CA certificates for server certificate validation can be
enrolled with UMS file transfer type “SSL Certificate”. To restore the old
functionality uncheck registry key
“network.interfaces.ethernet.deviceX.ieee8021x.certs.use_ca_path” (LAN)
or “network.interfaces.wirelesslan.device0.wpa.certs.use_ca_path” (WLAN).

[base system]
– Fixed userinterface theme configuration: if a wrong theme is configured
the standard theme is used now.
– Fixed sporadic issue, that the session icon of newly created sessions
is not displayed on the desktop or in start menu.
– Fixed display of postscript files in evince viewer.
– Fixed autostart sessions to start only after window manager is ready.
– Suppress “user: local user” line in screen lock/unlock window when no log on is active.
– Advanced start menu fixes:
– Fixed graphical distortion after screen saver was running.
– Added a workaround to get rid of a black rectangle when the start menu window vanishes
due to a click to the system menu of another window.
– Fixed wrong names in start menu subdirectories.
– It is now possible to put sessions with the same name into desktop subdirectories.
– Fixed issues with built-in CD/DVD-Rom devices: use registry key
“devices.builtin_devices.enable_optical_hotplug” to configure,
if built-in CD/DVD-Rom devices should be handled by the storage hotplug system.
The key is enabled by default.
The storage hotplug system can be configured at
“Devices->Storage Devices->USB Storage Hotplug”.
To enable the storage hotplug system the “Number of USB storage hotplug devices” must
be set to a minimum of 1.


Xmas Special: Multimedia Extension Pack for IGEL Linux RC1

December 20th, 2013

Hello Folks,

you are not happy with the IGEL LX Multimedia features… Want to watch DVD’s? Videostreams or what ever?

Then you should try the Multimedia Extension Pack Version 1.0.0 RC1!

Core features:

– VLC Media Player
– mplayer Media Player incl. recorder (mcoder) as command line tools
– smplayer mplayer GUI incl. themes and some translations
– Xine Media Player
– DVD Playback extensions
– x264 Codecs (several free versions incl. hardware decoding if supported by the hardware)
– Several command line audio tools to convert or playback multimedia files
– Several new codecs to provide more playback features for all media players
– Video Stream support (prefer VLC to open any Video Stream)
– Major changes in the IGEL base xserver system (not fully tested, may create issues!)

Included but currently not configured/tested:
. DVB device support
– MTP device drivers (Smartphones, Tablets and Digital Cameras)
– Apple device drivers (you can use configuration samples from the Ifuse package available at
– Some changes in the USB device handling (not fully tested, may create issues!)

Known issues:
Regarding the huge size of this pack the integration requires some time during the boot up, this depends on the system resources available. See also the notes in the installation area in this document.

The pack will force the file integration into the IGEL OS, this is necessary to be compatible to IGEL and other services might be affected by this. In this case you can recreate the script with our Deployment Assistant Tool for IGEL Thin Clients (DATI) without the “Force” option enabled-> If the force option is disabled the mplayer command line tools will not work at all!

IGEL Linux V4 will not display a background image after this pack is applied.

Not recommended for the IGEL UD2 (x86)!

Download is available here: Download
Have fun and merry Christmas!


Update: Deployment Assistant Tool for IGEL Thin Clients 1.08

December 12th, 2013

Hello Folks,

here is a new Version of the Deployment Assistant Tool for IGEL Thin Clients: Download

DATI 1.08: IGEL Linux Script Engine

DATI 1.08: IGEL Linux Script Engine

– Version 1.08
Fixed ILISE directory mapping syntax to prevent double mappings
Fixed ILISE create archive function if the folder name contains spaces (Engine freeze)


New Whitepaper: IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS V5 Quick command reference

December 11th, 2013

Hello Folks,

here is a new command reference whitepaper for the IGEL Linux V5: Download

Major difference is currently the command to start the firmware download by commandline but i will update this whitepaper soon… It will be more then one page then. 😉



Release: IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS 4.13.100

December 11th, 2013

IGEL Universal Desktop LX
Version 4.13.100
Dec 10 2013
Supported devices: UD2-xxx LX,UD3-xxx LX,UD5-xxx LX,UD9-xxx LX

– Citrix Receiver
– Citrix HDX Realtime Media Engine 1.4.0-902
– Citrix Access Gateway Standard Plug-in
– IGEL RDP Client 1.0
– FabulaTech USB for Remote Desktop 3.1.2
– VMware View client 2.1.0-1213173
– Quest vWorkspace Client 7.6
– Leostream Java Connect
– Ericom PowerTerm
– Ericom Webconnect
– IBM iSeriesAccess 7.1.0-1.0
– Firefox 17.0.11
– Totem Media Player 2.30.2
– Voip Client Ekiga 3.2.7
– Thinlinc Client 3.2.0
– NX Client 3.5.0-7
– Cisco VPN Client
– NCP Secure Client (Enterprise) 323_038.i686
– ThinPrint Client 7.0.58
– Xorg X11 Server 1.11.4
– Xorg Xephyr 1.7.6
– PC/SC Lite 1.8.9
– MUSCLE CCID Driver 1.4.13
– Omnikey CCID Driver 3.6.0
– Omnikey RFID Driver 2.7.2
– REINER SCT cyberJack Driver 3.99.5final.SP03
– SCM Microsystems CCID Driver 5.0.27
– Safenet / Aladdin eToken Driver 8.1.0-4
– ACS CCID Driver 1.0.5
– A.E.T SafeSign PKCS#11 Library 3.0.3665
– Gemalto .NET PKCS#11 Library 2.1.0
– SecMaker NetID PKCS#11 Library
– Philips Speech Driver 12.0.8
– Legacy Philips Speech Driver 5.0.10
– Client 0.8.3 for RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Desktops 3
– INTEL Graphics Driver 2.17.0
– ATI Graphics Driver 6.14.99_git20111219
– VIA Graphics Driver
– VIA Legacy Graphics Driver 4.1.83
– SAP GUI java710rev6
– 2X Client 10.1-1263
– Imprivata OneSign ProveID Embedded
Known issues:
[Quest vWorkspace]
– Multimedia Redirection:
Sound redirection is not working with WMV/WMA streams
– USB Redirection does not work reliable
New features:
[VMware Horizon View]
– Updated VMware Horizon View client to version 2.1.0-1213173
– Added kerberos logon passthrough authentication accessible at
“Sessions->Horizon View Client->Horizon View Client Sessions->
(Session Name)-> Connection settings”
– Added proxy connection settings supporting direct connection,
systemwide proxy or a session specific proxy

– Added CenterTool DriveLock in RDP sessions. To activate enable
“Enable Plugin Support” and “CenterTools DriveLock Channel” in IGEL setup
at page “Sessions->RDP->RDP Global->Mapping->Device Support”.
– Added auto close of error messages after a specified time with the registry
key: “rdp.winconnect.error-message-timeout”.
– Added inverted cursor color configuration at
“Sessions->RDP->RDP Global->Options->Inverted cursor color” or registry key

– Updated Citrix Receiver to version
– Added alternative domain suffix login to XenApp/Program Neighborhood.
“user@alternativedomain” can be used now.
Hint: If you use alternative domain suffixes you should:
1) Clear the domain list at setup page
“Sessions -> ICA -> Citrix XenApp/Program Neighborhood -> Server”
2) Set “Handling of domain in login window” to “hidden”.
– Improved handling of seamless application windows (e.g. Delphi
applications) that were minimized when moved.
– Improved Citrix XenApp/Program Neighbourhood session configuration
– Added new filter for desktop placement of Citrix XenApp applications.
– Improved “Overwrite local Start Menu and desktop setting with server
setting” by separting parameter for start menu and desktop.
– Added autostart of Program Neighboorhood provided sessions. The list of
autostarted applications can be defined at: “Sessions->ICA->Citrix
XenApp/Program Neighborhood->Logon”.
The autostart mechanism does not care about automatically reconnected
applications. To avoid this, the number of allowed running sessions
can be limited at server side.
– Updated Citrix HDX Realtime Optimization Pack to version 1.4.0.
– Added additional settings for protocol encryption
– At registry key “ica.module.encryption” you can disable encryption for
all ICA sessions
– At “Sessions->ICA->ICA Sessions-><session name>->Options->Encryption
Level” set to “None” to disable encryption for individual ICA sessions.

– Updated Mozilla Firefox to version 17.0.11esr.
– Updated flash player download URL.

– Updated Leostream Java Connect to version

– Added hiding of disconnect button at remote shadowing indicator at “System->
Shadow->Allow User to disconnect Remote Shadowing” or at registry key
– Added new session type vncwiewer accessible at “Sessions->VNC Viewer”

[Universal MultiDisplay]
– Added UMD support for UD5-X40 (H820) as a master and slave device.
– Improved UMD DHCP server to only deliver IP addresses to IGEL thin clients
to avoid missconfiguration.
– Improved replacement of UMD satellite:
If one satellite in the UMD cluster is not available a notification window
is displayed to start an emergency setup or to shut down the UMD cluster.
The availability timeout can be set with the registry key
– Added registry key “x.dmx.syncbatch” to stabilize mouse behaviour. The value
sets up the timeout (in ms) until flushing the event queue. A value of ‘-1’
sets the best practice value depending on the used device. Valid entries
are ‘-1’ and 0 – 200.
Lower values may decrease performance.

– Added support for german healthcare card reader celectronic CARD STAR /medic2:
Connect via serial port and redirect in RDP and ICA sessions via COM Port
Mapping (device COMx).
– Added support for german healthcare card reader celectronic CARD STAR /memo3:
connect via USB and redirect in RDP and ICA sessions via COM Port Mapping
(device USB COM1).
– Updated MUSCLE CCID smart card reader driver to version 1.4.13.
– Updated smart card resource manager pcsc-lite to version 1.8.9.
– Updated A.E.T SafeSign PKCS#11 library to version 3.0.3665.
– Added smart card reader driver ACS CCID version 1.0.5. to support the isabel
smartcard reader used in Belgium.
– Added support for Ingenico ORGA 6041 L eGK eHealth BCS (reader for german
healthcare cards) via USB. The reader can be mapped in RDP and ICA sessions
with COM Port mapping. Choose “USB COM 1” in COM Port Mapping setup as local
– Updated Identive/SCM Microsystems smart card reader driver to version 5.0.27
supporting new readers:
– SCR339 Keyboard SC Reader
– CLOUD 4700 F Smart Card Reader
– CLOUD 4710 F Smart Card Reader
– CLOUD 2700 R Smart Card Reader
– CLOUD 2710 F Smart Card Reader
– CLOUD 2700 F Smart Card Reader
– CLOUD 2900 R Smart Card Reader
– CLOUD 2190 F Smart Card Reader
– STC4 DFU Adapter
– CLOUD 2910 R Smart Card Reader.
– Updated SecMaker NetID PKCS#11 library to version
– Updated driver for REINER SCT smart card readers supporting the new models
cyberJack RFID standard, cyberJack RFID komfort and cyberJack compact.

– Updated Philips driver to version 12.0.8 for dictation with Philips devices
via ICA and RDP sessions:
– Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2012
– NOTE: on server side, the Philips driver version has to be v3.2.321.01 or
– Added support for new devices: SpeechMike Premium, DPM4 (mobile device)
– Activate at “ICA / RDP Global Setup Mapping->Device Support->”Philips
Speech Channel for Dictation”
– For backward compatibility driver version 5.0.10 is available in the firmware.
IMPORTANT: Do not activate old and new driver versions simultaneously.
– Added Softpro Virtual Serial Sign Pad: new driver to make Softpro supported
USB signature pads available in ICA and RDP sessions through COM Port Mapping:
Enable support at “User Interface->Input->Signature Pad”.
For redirection the virtual serial device /dev/ttyVSSP0 was added to ICA and
RDP COM Port Mapping setup.
– Updated StepOver serversonet to version 0.7.11.
– Updated Safenet / Aladdin eToken driver and PKCS#11 library to version 8.1.0-4.
– Added support for volume keys of keyboards.

– Updated Thinprint client to version 7.0.58
– Improved Evince PDF Viewer to configure print dialog option
‘Auto Rotate and Center’ with registry key

– Added OneSign ProveID Embedded support in IGEL Appliance Mode with support for
Citrix XenDesktop and VMware Horizon View.
To use the feature do the following:
– activate “System->Firmware Customization->Features->Enable Imprivata Appliance”
– Firmware Update settings at “System->Firmware Update” must be valid
– Restart the thin client
– Configure access to imprivata appliance at “Sessions->Appliance Mode”

[RedHat Enterprise Virtualization client]
– Updated client for RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Desktops to version 0.8.3.
– Fixed sharing of USB devices

[Java Runtime Environment]
– Added ability to use IGEL UDC Token with IGEL UMS started by java webstart.
– Updated Java Runtime Environment to 1.7.0 U45.

– Added Broadcom Wi-Fi driver. Supported PCI chipsets: BCM43224, BCM43225, BCM4313.
– Added Support for 802.1X MD5 authentication
– Added new registry key “”:
key enabled (default): if you have 2 network interfaces and one is set up,
the network configuration waits until the 2nd interface is set up
or the timeout (60 s) for the 2nd interface has ellapsed.
key disabled: if you have 2 interfaces and one is set up,
the network configuration of the 2nd interface times out immediately.

– Added taskbar battery monitor for devices that use a battery.
– Changed dual screen behavior on IGEL UD5-X40 LX (H820): Changed order of
Primary and Secondary output at automatic Monitor assignment to align
with the behavior of the IGEL UD5-X30 LX (H710) hardware.

[Local Logon]
– Added better error messages for Active Directory logon in the following situations:
– AD user account is locked
– user name or password is incorrect
– Improved local logon to the thin client:
– to enable a local logon to the thin client with or without password,
check parameter auth.login.xlock and choose a password at “Interface->Screen
– the name of the currently logged on user is shown in screen lock/unlock window.

[base system]
– Updated kernel to Ubuntu Precise kernel version 3.2.0-48.74.
– Improved error messages if upgrade to IGEL Linux firmware 5.x failes.
– Added sound volume configuration at “Accessories->Sound Mixer->Sound Mixer
– Added bulgarian keyboard layout support.
– Updated timezone data to version 2013g-0ubuntu0.12.04.
– Application Launcher: applications are sorted by name now after start.
– Updated german, french, dutch and chinese userinterface translation.
– Added XBELL sound functionality to Xephyr X-session.
– Updated IGEL Setup to version 4.5.17.
Fixed bugs:
– Fixed russian keyboard layout forwarding to Citrix XenApp sessions.
– Fixed passthrough authentication for XenApp/Program Neighborhood to use long
domain name again instead of short one. To use the short form again
set new registry key “sessions.pnlogin0.settings.passthrough_shortdomain”.
– Fixed double appearance of volume icons in systray.
– Fixed CenterTools DriverLock virtual channel: creation of encryption containers
did not work.
– Fixed Thinprint client printer mapping in ICA sessions.

– Fixed load balance info initialization. Set the “Load balancing routing token”
at “Sessions->RDP->RDP Session-><session name>->Options”.
– Fixed session redirection with Windows Server 2012 (R2).
– Fixed escaped backslashes in RemoteApp names or parameters.
– Fixed USB problems with Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8.
– Fixed COM Port Mapping:
– reading data from COM port sometimes was delayed or stuck
– some devices did not work at all.
– Fixed crashing RDP client with some custom time zones.
– Fixed RDP passthrough authentication with enterprise principals (domain name
was wrong).
– Fixed invisible mouse cursor

[VMware Horizon View]
– Fixed multi monitor support with RDP protocol
– Fixed “Auto Logoff/Shutdown” feature in VMware Horizon View appliance mode.
– Fixed keyboard layout forwarding in Horizon View RDP sessions.

[Universal MultiDisplay]
– Cursor keys and function keys (DEL, HOME, INSERT…) are working now in all
– Fixed firmware update problems with satellites
– Fixed X-Server restart with CTRL + ALT + Q and CTRL + ALT + MULTIPLY.
– Citrix XenApp windows now refresh correctly after screensaver and/or dpms was

– Fixed problem with Active Directory logon using SecMaker Net iD smart cards:
cards weren’t detected correctly after reinserting.
– Fixed personalization of IGEL smart cards when smart card logon is deactivated.

[Quest vWorkspace]
– Fixed fullscreen sessions on displays where due to graphics driver restrictions
Xinerama extension is not functional.

[2X Client]
– Fixed window switching if a 2X fullscreen application is running.

– Fixed dual screen with 2 x 1680 x 1050, when the monitors are connected on
DVI-I port by Y-cable.
– Added support for display resolution of 1366×768.
– Fixed X server: update to ubuntu version 1.11.4-0ubuntu10.14 to fix a segfault
with solaris 10 XC font service.
– Fixed 8bit color vesa X server mode (registry key “x.server.force_8bit_vesa”).

– Fixed memory leak, when opening multiple PDF documents.

– Improved 802.1X authentication (LAN and WLAN) to validate the server certificate
and all trusted root certificates in /etc/ssl/certs.
As a consequence, custom CA certificates for server certificate validation can be
enrolled with UMS file transfer type “SSL Certificate”. To restore the old
functionality uncheck registry key
“network.interfaces.ethernet.deviceX.ieee8021x.certs.use_ca_path” (LAN)
or “network.interfaces.wirelesslan.device0.wpa.certs.use_ca_path” (WLAN).
– Improved fixed network linktype configuration for auto negotiation by enabling
“Network -> LAN Interfaces -> Interface 1/2 -> Force Autonegotiation” or
the according registry keys “network.interfaces.ethernet.device0.autoneg” and

[base system]
– Fixed automatic start of calibration tool for touchscreens with Elographics and
EvTouch driver after successfull calibration.
– Fixed X Session (Xephyr/XDMCP) to GDM3 running on Xorg server 1.14.
– Fixed VNC Shadowing with kerberos login screen.
– Firmware update: fixed bug in computation of flash size needed for update.
– Fixed autostart sessions to start only after window manager is ready.
– Updated taskbar binaries. This should solve taskbar freeze problems.
– Fixed taskbar background with left and right taskbar position.
– Fixed usage of nscd. Can be configured with registry keys “network.nscd.*”.

Tip: Citrix Linux Receiver settings explained

December 5th, 2013

Hello Folks,

Citrix has released  a new Version for the Linux Receiver documentation explaining a couple of settings, the new document is already for the Receiver Version 13 but most settings are similar to Receiver 12 and explaining a lot of useful settings that can be found in the IGEL Setup->System->Registry->ICA->wfclient area.

You can found the documentation here: Download Linux Receiver Guide


Sorry for the Black Out…

December 3rd, 2013

Hi Folks,

i got some fun with my hosting provider, a WordPress update and some WordPress Plugin’s iam using, this result in a black out for this blog today.

Sorry for that!


Info: IGEL will not deliver the DVI->VGA Adapter by default anymore together with a thin client.

November 28th, 2013

Hello Folks,

maybe this is important for you…

In the past IGEL has delivered a free DVI to VGA Adapter with every device, this has changed now and new ordered devices will not come with a DVI->VGA Adapter anymore (Starting with the first of december 2013).

IGEL's DVI to VGA Adapter

IGEL’s DVI to VGA Adapter

Why? I believe a lot of people don’t use it and in this case it is  just useless waste; but this is only my unterstanding.

The good news: You can order the adapter together with the Thin Clients and this order is for FREE but you should not forget it if these Adapters are required for a roll out.


Tip: FAQ Area contains now more then 200 different FAQ’s

November 21st, 2013

Hello Folks,

i got a couple of questions during the last time and a lot new answers can now be found here:


P.S.: No, it doesn’t contains any tips related to FreeCiv… 🙂