Archive for July, 2013

Tip: Citrix Support Tools

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Hi Folks,

i already point to some support tools from Citrix but most people don’t know how much tools are available.

These tools can be useful for a couple of issues like printing, licensing and a lot of more.

If you are using Citrix products you should get a look here:



Tip: Fixing Keyboard Layout Issues with VMWare Horizon View Client 2.0 for Linux and Mac OS X

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Hello Folks,

it looks that the current VMWare Horizon View Client for Linux and Mac OS X have an issue with Keyboard mappings, for example you are using Scandinavien or Swiss Layouts on the PC / Thin Client and in the VM the Keyboard Layout changes to English(US). It also looks that it doesn’t matter what Keyboard Layout’s are available in the VM, so as sample also a pure German VM without any US Settings/Layout available(!) switch to English(US).

This behavior is also only related to the current Horizon View Client (IGEL Firmware = 4.12.100), older Clients from VMWare are working fine in my known cases (IGEL Firmware < 4.12.100) incl. the current Client for Mac OS X which shows the same "wrong" behavior like the current Linux Client (old OS X Clients are working fine too). A Workaround to fix this issue is the following registry tweak for the VM's which can be applied thru a Group Policy or set in the local RegEdit if needed. Open the Registry and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout Create a new Registry Setting: Value name: IgnoreRemoteKeyboardLayout Data type: REG_DWORD Value data: 1 Apply the setting/policy to the affected VM's only, the issue should be fixed now and the language settings in the VM will be used for the session. As said and in general, the issue can happen but it don't have to be... Only use it if required, i will not provide any warranty at all and you do this on your own risk. Cheers Michael P.S.: This will also fix issues with other Windows based Remote Sessions like RDP, ICA or whatever if you run in a similar issue. Please note: After done this setting the local client keyboard layout will always be ignored.

Tip: Citrix session drops if you open a second ICA connection in a XenApp/XenDesktop session

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Hi Folks,

i just got an issue where the user opens a session from an IGEL Linux / Windows PC to a XenApp / XenDesktop environment. This works fine until the user starts a second session in the first session to an other XenDesktop/XenApp environment.

The connection are done thru a Storefront server.

If this issue happens also to you, try the following registry setting in the Server / Desktop the user connects first.



Please note: Test in advance, i do not provide any warranty that this will fix the issue at all or for a data loss in case of a wrong impementation. You are fully responsible if you apply this setting!


Info: Important to know if you want to try a IGEL OS with Citrix XenDesktop 7

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Hello Folks,

if you already Setup a XenDesktop 7 Test Environment to test it with you IGEL Thin Clients you should be aware that the current inbuild receiver is not optimized for XenDesktop 7.

For Windows based devices you need Citrix Receiver 4 for Windows and for Linux you need Citrix Receiver 13, last one is still not released by Citrix. For Windows based devices you might be able to upgrade the Receiver by your own but for Linux you have to wait for the official release. See also:

Why is this important to know, XenDesktop 7 brings a lot of new Features and these Features are mostly not supported by the old Receiver Versions. This can cause Performance, Display or other issues (like no multitouch Support if a touch Screen is used).

So you can Setup your XenDesktop 7 Environments but for your final PoC you should wait for the right Receiver Version. 🙂

This do also apply for the XenApp Feature Pack 2.
