Hello Folks,
i found a very nice article how to setup a Nutanix environment together with Microsoft Hyper-V here, maybe you will like it too… 🙂
Nutanix Hyper-V Cluster
Hello Folks,
i found a very nice article how to setup a Nutanix environment together with Microsoft Hyper-V here, maybe you will like it too… 🙂
Nutanix Hyper-V Cluster
Hi Folks,
i really could kill some Microsoft developers tonight… Just kidding but this has taken three hours of time to fix a really stupid issue.
Maybe you provide your User a Microsoft based Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 VDI thru Microsoft Remote Desktop Services incl. the Windows Store to download own or company based Apps. By default this should be now big deal but it could… Normally your User browse to the Store and download / buy a new app, depending on the system a App will be shown in the store or not; simple right? …but what happens if this app is already available for the User and he got the App already running on an other device? It will be shown in his Apps and he can select it, now a funny error comes up: “App can not be installed BlaBlaBla… Error 0x80240017”. This error 0x80240017 for Microsoft seams to mean: “Could be everything and we have no clue where it coming from.”
There are several Tips and Clues available and i’ve tried everything more than one time (!): Store Reset (wsreset.exe), installing Updates, deleting the Software Distribution Folder, Regional Settings, Time Zone and much more but finally it means: Your System doesn’t fit the requirements for this App! Great.. Why not direct translating it for humans and maybe for the Microsoft Support too (which have also no clue what it could mean)!?!
Ok… Enough blaming, let’s come to my solution for Hyper-V based VDI’s: To fix it just disable the Dynamic Memory Feature for the Windows 8.x based Desktops or/and increase it to min. 1024 or better 2048 (or more) MB of RAM. After this small fix everything works like a charm, it seams to be that the Windows Store can not deal with the Dynamic Memory and the result will be this nonsense error message.
Have Fun!
P.S.: I checked it also with Windows Server 2012 R2, similar behavior… If you got the issue for a physical device try it on an other “better” hardware.
Hello Folks,
this one is not IGEL related but maybe intresting, there is a really cool free firewall software called pfsense (http://www.pfsense.org/).
The firewall software is based on free bsd and comes with a lot of cool features but there is one problem… It will not work on Microsoft Hyper-V Servers regarding an issue with the free BSD network drivers but you can fix it. There are some solutions already available but none of same are really working well and/or require some manual actions after boot, so how can we fix it…
Create a new VM in the Microsoft Hyper-V and assign the pfsense ISO file for the installation, make sure to assign only “Legacy” Network Adapters to the VM. The virtual network cards in the VM are named like de0, de1 and so on.
After the installation perform the basic network setup and reboot the VM, the network adapters are not working at the moment so don’t connect to the Management GUI via HTTP. After the reboot open the VM and enter the pfsense console, one virtual network card should have a “working” internet connection! Enter the pfsense shell (Option 8) and type in here:
ifconfig de0 down (repeat this for every network card, like de1)
ifconfig de1 down
ifconfig de0 up
ifconfig de1 up
dhclient de0 (this command is only required for network cards using a DHCP address coming from an other DHCP server, repeat or skip like required)
Now open the HTTP based WebConfigurator coming with pfsense, the network cards should now work until a reboot is performed. Open the System->Packages->Available Packages Menu and install the “Shell Command” Service from here. After this is done open the Menu Services->Shellcmd and add the commands you have entered before in the shell here, keep the order like before and incl. also the dhclient commands if used before. Reboot the VM and everything should work now also together with the Hyper-V, no extra scripts or shell actions are required.
Hi Folks,
Windows Server 2012R2 seams to have an issue with the RemoteFX Graphic Card, if you have an RemoteFX supporting GFX-Card inside of your server (GFX Card is shown in the Hyper-V settings) you might be not able to add this card to a VM with an error “Error appliying RemoteFX 3D Video Adapter changes”.
This is mostly not related to the GFX Card, the VM or whatever… It’s related to an issue in the Hyper-V Management console, in all my cases i was able to fix it thru the powershell.
1) Open the Powershell with Admin rights
2) Make sure the VM where you want to apply the RemoteFX Video Adapter is not running!
3) Enter and execute “Add-VMRemoteFx3dVideoAdapter -VMName *your vm name*” and execute the command (replace *your vm name* with your VM Name shown in the Hyper-V console).
4) That’s it, start the VM now.
Hello Folks,
very often after an upgrade from Windows Server 2012 to Server 2012 R2 it can happen that you will receive an issue in the Server Manager telling you that you got an Data retrieval Error for one or more upgraded Servers.
This issue has, from my Point of view, nothing to do with User Rights or similar… It’s more related to a bad upgrade Routine (by the way, Windows 8.1 has the same issue after a upgrade but it’s not so annoying like in the Server Manager).
To verify that the fix will work for you open the EventViewer and browse to Administrative Events in Custom Views, if you now get an error pointing to Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic then you got it….
Open Regedit and search for: Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskTone/Analytic
Delete all entries that are located in a /WINEVT/Channels path in the registry and related to Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskTone/Analytic like HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels\Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic (make sure that it really is Microsoft-Windows-Dxp/Analytic!), you can export the entries before you delete it as backup.
Reboot the System or restart the Eventlog and WMI Service open the Server Manager and verify that the issue is gone now.
If not, check in the EventViewer again… If you got now a message pointing to Microsoft-Windows-Dxp/Analytic proceed like for DxpTaskTone.
Update: This has solved the issue for me after an upgrade in 4 of 5 cases. i the 5th case i was required to reinstall nearly every installed Serverrole… Iam not really sure to recommend a upgrade at all, until now i got 0 (zero) upgrades without any required interactions/issue at all.
P.S.: Do only use this fix if you really got the DxpTaskRingtone message in the EventViewer, the fault can be also related to other issues and in this case the solution will not help you!!!
Hello folks,
maybe this one is useful for you..
First of all, Windows 8 to go running from a VHD(x) can not be upgraded and you have to add a VHD file to a Hyper-V VM if you want to upgrade it.
1) Make sure you have the correct language pack installed in advance (if you download a upgrade Pack from the MSDN). Windows 8.1 will switch to the installation pack language automaticly, if you want to upgrade Server 2012 to R2 you are required to set and install the language pack in advance by your own.
2) Do not assign dynamic memory to the VM, it seams to be that the Windows 8.1 upgrade has a problem with dynamic memory and/or not enough memory is available during the boot time upgrade. This will create a “We couldn’t update…” Error after reboot.
3) If you’re using a KMS activated Windows 8 VM’s (which is common for company’s), make sure that the KMS Server is prepared for Windows 8.1 in advance and to update the KMS Productkeys for/in the VM’s (see also http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj612867.aspx).
4) If you are using Windows App’s, before you can install or upgrade Windows App’s from the store you are “required” to set a temp folder for the Internet Explorer, sounds crazy but it’s really the case. (For Server 2012 -> R2 i got a similar error with code 0x8024600e, same like on Windows 8.1 but in this case it was not the temp folder; i need to resync the licenses in the Windows Store Option settings… Quite funny again.)
5) After the upgrade don’t forget to run the disk cleanup tool to remove ~6GB unused previous Windows 8 files (remove previous os) and upgrade log files, if you want you can also run a full clean up to keep the master VHD as clean as possible.
6) I forgot: The old language Packs and the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 8 are not compatible to Windows 8.1 (this includes Server 2012 R2 language Packs) and you have to reinstall it!
Hi Folks,
you have a MSDN Account? Don’t forget to download Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1 today… 🙂
Version: 2.1
Release Date: 14.01.2013
Copyright 2013 cloud-client.info
EMail: blog@cloud-client.info
This is a non commercial release without any official support by IGEL Technology or cloud-client.info.
Use on your own risk, the publisher is not responsible for any damage or issue related to the use
of this free release.
Requirements for the VM:
If you want to invite me to a beer for my work, just make a donation via
Getting started:
Copy the folder cloud-client.info IGEL UMS Appliance 2.0 to your Hyper-V VM folder.
Import the VM via the Hyper-V console and set the Network Card to the Network you want to connect to.
Start the VM, by default the VM will pick up a DHCP address. If you want to use a static IP you can
configure this in the DHCP Server by assigning a IP to the VM’s MAC-ID (see below).
After the vm is startet open the VM console and login to the System with the username igel (credentials
see below. Now you can assign also a static IP (Network setup is on the right in the top menu).
On the desktop you can see two links to open the UMS console or administrator tool.
Note: I’ve setup default directory rules, new clients will directly moved to the device folder. You can
motify this of course depending on your needs.
Tested with:
Windows 8 Hyper-V
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V
Hyper-V Server 2012
Default User: igel Password: igel
Root User: root Password: igel
IGEL UMS Main User: Administrator Password: igel
IGEL UMS Sub Admin User: igel Password: igel
FTP User: igel Password: igel
Operating System:
Ubuntu 12.04
Hostname: umsappliance
MAC-ID: 00-15-5D-67-3E-08 (Do not change the MAC-ID!)
Installed Services:
IGEL Unversal Management Suite 4.03.200 with enabled automatic registration for thin clients (DHCP or DNS entry required!) incl. cloud-client.info UMS Template 1.0.40
Telnet Service
VNC Service
Firewall (Disabled by default)
XDMCP connections enabled (Free Windows XDMCP Client=http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/)
RDP connections enabled, the appliance do now accept RDP connections done by any RDP client incl. Microsoft’s MSTSC.exe
– Updated IGEL Universal Management Suite 4.03.200
– Removed old Windows folders from user igel’s home folder
– Moved File Source from root folder to user igel’s home folder (folder: UMS_Files), public name: update
– Fixed display issue with conky system information tool
Download: http://www.cloud-client.info/umsvahv/cloud-client.infoIGELUMSAppliance2.1.rar
cloud-client.info IGEL Universal Management Suite Appliance for Microsoft Hyper-V
Version: 2.0
Release Date: 21.12.2012
Copyright 2012 cloud-client.info
EMail: blog@cloud-client.info
This is a non commercial release without any official support by IGEL Technology or cloud-client.info.
Use on your own risk, the publisher is not responsible for any damage or issue related to the use
of this free release.
Requirements for the VM:
If you want to invite me to a beer for my work, just make a donation via
Getting started:
Copy the folder cloud-client.info IGEL UMS Appliance 2.0 to your Hyper-V VM folder.
Import the VM via the Hyper-V console and set the Network Card to the Network you want to connect to.
Start the VM, by default the VM will pick up a DHCP address. If you want to use a static IP you can
configure this in the DHCP Server by assigning a IP to the VM’s MAC-ID (see below).
After the vm is startet open the VM console and login to the System with the username igel (credentials
see below. Now you can assign also a static IP (Network setup is on the right in the top menu).
On the desktop you can see two links to open the UMS console or administrator tool.
Note: I’ve setup default directory rules, new clients will directly moved to the device folder. You can
motify this of course depending on your needs.
Tested with:
Windows 8 Hyper-V
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V
Hyper-V Server 2012
Default User: igel Password: igel
Root User: root Password: igel
IGEL UMS Main User: Administrator Password: igel
IGEL UMS Sub Admin User: igel Password: igel
FTP User: igel Password: igel
Operating System:
Ubuntu 12.04
Hostname: umsappliance
MAC-ID: 00-15-5D-67-3E-08 (Do not change the MAC-ID!)
Installed Services:
IGEL Unversal Management Suite 4.03.100 with enabled automatic registration for thin clients (DHCP or DNS entry required!) incl. cloud-client.info UMS Template 1.0.40
Telnet Service
VNC Service
Firewall (Disabled by default)
XDMCP connections enabled (Free Windows XDMCP Client=http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/)
RDP connections enabled, the appliance do now accept RDP connections done by any RDP client incl. Microsoft’s MSTSC.exe
– Changed from CentOS to Ubuntu 12.04
– Updated IGEL Universal Desktop Suite to Version 4.03.100
– Updated cloud-client.info UMS Template Version 1.0.40
– Removed IGEL Manuals, visit www.myigel.com to get the latest
– Increased HDD to 20 GB
– Switched from VHD to VHDX format for the appliance
– Optimized for Windows Server 2012, Hyper-V Server 2012 and Windows 8 Hyper-V use
– Using xfce4 as window manager default
– Changed hostname to umsappliance to prevent DNS issues with a existing IGEL Management Server
– Added /umspub folder which is used as UMS Snapshots – File source
– Default user igel now got full linux file system access (default /) if logged in via FTP
– Improved desktop integration for the UMS Administrator and Console compared to the old appliance
– The appliance do now accept incomming RDP connections, use MSTSC.exe to connect and setup the appliance.
– New static Mac-ID assigned: 00-15-5D-67-3E-08
Download: Offline, download latest Version
Have fun!
P.S.: The old CentOS based appliance is discontinued and not available as download anymore. The youtube video will be also refreshed in the upcoming day’s to the new version.
cloud-client.info IGEL Universal Management Suite Appliance for Microsoft Hyper-V
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 10.07.2012
Copyright 2012 cloud-client.info
EMail: blog@cloud-client.info
This is a non commercial release without any official support by IGEL Technology or cloud-client.info.
Use on your own risk, the publisher is not responsible for any damage or issue related to the use
of this free release.
Requirements for the VM:
If you want to invite me to a beer for my work, just make a donation via
Getting started:
Copy the folder cloud-client.info IGEL UMS Appliance 1.0 to your Hyper-V VM folder.
Import the VM via the Hyper-V console and set the Network Card to the Network you want to connect to.
Start the VM, by default the VM will pick up a DHCP address. If you want to use a static IP you can
configure this in the DHCP Server by assigning a IP to the VM’s MAC-ID (see below).
After the vm is startet open the VM console and login to the System with the username igel (credentials
see below. Now you can assign also a static IP (Network setup is on the right in the top menu).
On the desktop you can see two links to open the UMS console or administrator tool.
Note: I’ve setup default directory rules, new clients will directly moved to the device folder. You can
motify this of course depending on your needs.
Tested with:
Windows 2008 R2 SP1
Default User: igel Password: igel
Root User: root Password: igel
IGEL UMS Main User: Administrator Password: igel
IGEL UMS Sub Admin User: igel Password: igel
FTP User: igel Password: igel
Operating System:
CentOS 6.2 Kernel 2.6.32-220.14.1.el6.i686
Hostname: igelrmserver
MAC-ID: 00:15:5D:01:A6:47 (Do not change the MAC-ID!)
Installed Services:
IGEL Unversal Management Suite 4.02.100 with enabled automatic registration for thin clients (DHCP or DNS entry required!) incl. cloud-client.info UMS Template 1.0.20
Telnet Service
VNC Service
Hyper-V Integration Services 3.2 (Note: start mountcdrom.sh in console to mount a cd/dvd; see Microsoft KB2600152)
Firewall (Disabled by default)
XDMCP connections enabled (Free Windows XDMCP Client=http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/)
proftpd (Configured with anonymous read/write access, warning: the appliance is not designed to handle a lot firmwares, watch the free available hdd space)
– Updated IGEL Universal Management Suite to Version 4.02.100
– Updated cloud-client.info UMS Template Version 1.0.20
– Updated manuals in the manuals folder
– Added cloud-client.info whitepapers available in a folder on the desktop
– Anonymous ftp access disabled, use ftp user igel password igel
– Updates applied to CentOS system
– Fixed issue in the IGEL UMS 4.02.100, UMS Administrator doesn’t start with Java
error if no Internet connection is available. Fix for Linux and Windows Server,
open the RMAdmin.confi in the rmadmin folder with a text editor and change the
line “addjars ../rmguiserver/common/lib” to “addjars ../rmguiserver/lib”.
– First release
Download is available here: Offline, download latest Version
Hello folks,
i’ve done a small release during the night… A video for the basics is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx09hItZM44
The download for the appliance is available here: Offline, download latest Version
Release Date: 11.05.2012
Copyright 2012 cloud-client.info
EMail: mhoting@cloud-client.info
This is a non commercial release without any official support by IGEL Technology or cloud-client.info.
Use on your own risk, the publisher is not responsible for any damage or issue related to the use
of this free release.
Requirements for the VM:
Getting started:
Copy the folder cloud-client.info IGEL UMS Appliance 1.0 to your Hyper-V VM folder.
Import the VM via the Hyper-V console and set the Network Card to the Network you want to connect to.
Start the VM, by default the VM will pick up a DHCP address. If you want to use a static IP you can
configure this in the DHCP Server by assigning a IP to the VM’s MAC-ID (see below).
After the vm is startet open the VM console and login to the System with the username igel (credentials
see below. Now you can assign also a static IP (Network setup is on the right in the top menu).
On the desktop you can see two links to open the UMS console or administrator tool.
Note: I’ve setup default directory rules, new clients will directly moved to the device folder. You can
motify this of course depending on your needs.
Tested with:
Windows 2008 R2 SP1
Default User: igel Password: igel
Root User: root Password: igel
IGEL UMS Main User: Administrator Password: igel
IGEL UMS Sub Admin User: igel Password: igel
FTP User: anonymous login incl. write permission
Operating System:
CentOS 6.2 Kernel 2.6.32-220.14.1.el6.i686
Hostname: igelrmserver
MAC-ID: 00:15:5D:01:A6:47 (Do not change the MAC-ID!)
Installed Services:
IGEL Unversal Management Suite 4.01.500 with enabled automatic registration for thin clients (DHCP or DNS entry required!)l
Telnet Service
VNC Service
Hyper-V Integration Services 3.2 (Note: start mountcdrom.sh in console to mount a cd/dvd; see Microsoft KB2600152)
Firewall (Disabled by default)
XDMCP connections enabled (Free Windows XDMCP Client=http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/)
proftpd (Configured with anonymous read/write access, warning: the appliance is not designed to handle a lot firmwares, watch the free available hdd space)
Have fun