Hello Folks,
maintenance is finished and the site is running a new version and database, but you will see no visible difference… 😉
Have a nice weekend!
Hello Folks,
very often after an upgrade from Windows Server 2012 to Server 2012 R2 it can happen that you will receive an issue in the Server Manager telling you that you got an Data retrieval Error for one or more upgraded Servers.
This issue has, from my Point of view, nothing to do with User Rights or similar… It’s more related to a bad upgrade Routine (by the way, Windows 8.1 has the same issue after a upgrade but it’s not so annoying like in the Server Manager).
To verify that the fix will work for you open the EventViewer and browse to Administrative Events in Custom Views, if you now get an error pointing to Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic then you got it….
Open Regedit and search for: Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskTone/Analytic
Delete all entries that are located in a /WINEVT/Channels path in the registry and related to Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskTone/Analytic like HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels\Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic (make sure that it really is Microsoft-Windows-Dxp/Analytic!), you can export the entries before you delete it as backup.
Reboot the System or restart the Eventlog and WMI Service open the Server Manager and verify that the issue is gone now.
If not, check in the EventViewer again… If you got now a message pointing to Microsoft-Windows-Dxp/Analytic proceed like for DxpTaskTone.
Update: This has solved the issue for me after an upgrade in 4 of 5 cases. i the 5th case i was required to reinstall nearly every installed Serverrole… Iam not really sure to recommend a upgrade at all, until now i got 0 (zero) upgrades without any required interactions/issue at all.
P.S.: Do only use this fix if you really got the DxpTaskRingtone message in the EventViewer, the fault can be also related to other issues and in this case the solution will not help you!!!
Hi Folks,
the mainsite www.cloud-client.info will be in maintenance mode on Saturday 9/28 for a couple of hours. If you need information’s, tools or whitepapers in this time please download it in advance.
The FAQ Area and Blog will be still available during this time.
Hello folks,
maybe this one is useful for you..
First of all, Windows 8 to go running from a VHD(x) can not be upgraded and you have to add a VHD file to a Hyper-V VM if you want to upgrade it.
1) Make sure you have the correct language pack installed in advance (if you download a upgrade Pack from the MSDN). Windows 8.1 will switch to the installation pack language automaticly, if you want to upgrade Server 2012 to R2 you are required to set and install the language pack in advance by your own.
2) Do not assign dynamic memory to the VM, it seams to be that the Windows 8.1 upgrade has a problem with dynamic memory and/or not enough memory is available during the boot time upgrade. This will create a “We couldn’t update…” Error after reboot.
3) If you’re using a KMS activated Windows 8 VM’s (which is common for company’s), make sure that the KMS Server is prepared for Windows 8.1 in advance and to update the KMS Productkeys for/in the VM’s (see also http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj612867.aspx).
4) If you are using Windows App’s, before you can install or upgrade Windows App’s from the store you are “required” to set a temp folder for the Internet Explorer, sounds crazy but it’s really the case. (For Server 2012 -> R2 i got a similar error with code 0x8024600e, same like on Windows 8.1 but in this case it was not the temp folder; i need to resync the licenses in the Windows Store Option settings… Quite funny again.)
5) After the upgrade don’t forget to run the disk cleanup tool to remove ~6GB unused previous Windows 8 files (remove previous os) and upgrade log files, if you want you can also run a full clean up to keep the master VHD as clean as possible.
6) I forgot: The old language Packs and the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 8 are not compatible to Windows 8.1 (this includes Server 2012 R2 language Packs) and you have to reinstall it!
Hello Folks,
sometimes i’ve been asked how system or other information’s can be displayed permanently on the IGEL Desktop.
Here is the solution:
This is also the first custom partition package fully created with the Deployment Assistant Tool for IGEL Thin Clients Version 1.06 (DATI) and of course you can modify it, see the readme.txt coming with the download.
The download is available here: Download
Hi Folks,
i just want to share some facts about the new IGEL UD 10 device with you.
CPU: VIA Eden X2 dual-core processor
Chipset: VIA VX900
RAM: Up to 2GB DDR3
HDD: Up to 4GB
Ports: 3x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0, 2x PS/2, 2x RS232, 1x parallel port, 1x Display Port
Ethernet: 1GB
Seperate (sold) Options: WiFi b/g/n , a internal Smart Card Reader and a infrared touchscreen
Max. Resolution (inbuild Display): 1920×1080
Max. Resolution (Display Port): 2560×1600
Inbuild Display Specs: 23.6″ Widescreen
Power consumption: ~38 W (Comment: mostly for the Display…)
Operating Systems: IGEL Linux V5 (UD10-LX), Windows Embedded 7 (UD10-W7)
Launch date: 1st of October 2013
Regarding the new IGEL Linux V5 i can’t tell much at the moment, the screen above is a fake (i just want that it looks nice… 🙂 ..but the device picture is real. ) but the final result will look like that. As soon there is a IGEL Linux V5 available i will write more about it but currently IGEL do not share any RC’s or preview Versions. 🙁
You should be aware that a few things will change in the upcoming months, like the Productnames (see above) but don’t panic… It’s still a IGEL Linux. Regarding Windows 7 is not much to say, still a IGEL optimized Microsoft Windows Embedded but i will send also an update regarding this once it is available.
Regarding the specs, the device looks nice on the first view and could be a very nice solution depending on the use case. If you’re looking out for a cool (large display) all in one device you should try to get a trial device after the product lunch…
P.S.: Of course i will rework the cloud-client.info hardware whitepaper after the final release.
Hello Folks,
if you’re running XenDesktop 7 together with Windows 7 VM’s you can run into a issue with Flash Redirection that Flash redirection doesn’t work.
Solving this issue is quite simple, it looks that the current Flash Player from Adobe is not compatible to HDX Flash redirection or cause some issues here. Just use an older Version and HDX Flash Redirection works like a charm again.
This has nothing to do with IGEL, it seams to be a general Flash issue in the current Flash Version from Adobe together with HDX Flash.
Update: I doesn’t know why it works for me one time with Windows 8 but in general Flash Redirection and Windows 8 is not supported and recorded as known issue by Citrix. The issue with the latest Flash Player do also has an impact on Windows 7 VM’s and can be solved like described.
Update2: Just if you are not familar with Flash redirection and what components are required, you have to use the Flash Plugin (Flash Player for other Browser) and not the ActiveX Plugin, if only the ActiveX Plugin is installed it will not work in general! You can also access older players from the archive (http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html#main_Archived_versions).
Hello Folks,
here is the final Version 1.06, i fixed some issues and also some new features are available. It’s not recommended to use any of the 1.05 Version anymore, iam sorry that i did not note all issues during testing and thanks for your comments pointing out some “issues” and help fixing it.
– Version 1.06
Important: Please delete the dati.ini after update!
Added Option to configure automatic Update check for DATI during the application starts.
Improved Update Check feature.
ILISE added Linux Library clean up, see in this ReadMe.txt for more information’s.
ILISE “Create .tar.bz2” button will now also create the .inf file in one step, you still have seperate options for archive/.inf files in the ILISE Menu if required.
Fixed issue with the “Show Warnings” Option, the setting was ignored sometimes.
Fixed ILISE issue that protects an automatic generated script to be overwritten by the generator if no MyScript Area exists.
Fixed wrong commandline in the ILISE “write custom session” snipplet
Fixed ILISE issue that a .tar.bz2/.tbz archive was created successfull message shows up but the file wasn’t created.
Added check to verify that all files are added by ILISE to a generated script (Only if the “Dynamic file integration folder based” option is not used)
Fixed ILISE issue if a folder contains one or more subfolders and some files are not identified/added correctly to the script.
Fixed ILISE .tar.bz2 / .tbz switch.
The download is available here: Download
Hello Folks,
not 100% IGEL related: If you already use XenDesktop 7 you maybe want to allow/use RDP connections or unmanaged ICA connections to a Terminal Server.
In XenApp 6.5 you only need to setup the Citrix “Desktop Access” Policy but for XenDesktop 7 this is not enough and still RDP or unmanaged ICA connections didn’t work.
After you installed the XenDesktop 7 VDA for a Server OS you will get a new “local” User Group “DirectAccess Users”, add your Domain Users or User Groups to this local Group on the Terminal Server.
After this is done, you are able to connect to the Terminal Server as User via RDP or unmanaged ICA.
P.S.: This is useful for the IGEL Linux if you want to setup a direct ICA session for a Desktop Session… 😀
Hi Folks,
i just uploaded a quick hotfix for the DATI with the following changes, it’s strongly recommended to use the new version. Thanks for your feedback!
– Version 1.05.2 (Quick Release)
Fixed ILISE issue that a .tar.bz2/.tbz archive was created successfull message shows up but the file wasn’t created.
Added check to verify that all files are added by LISE to a generated script (Only if the “Dynamic file integration folder based” option is not used)
Fixed ILISE issue if a folder contains subfolder and folder and some files are not identified/added correctly to the script.
– Version 1.05.1 (Quick Release)
Fixed ILISE .tar.bz2 / .tbz switch
Have a nice weekend!
Hello Folks,
i’ve updated the two driver packages which can be downloaded here:
1) Apple device driver + local aTunes (iTunes alternative for Linux) + mplayer for the media playback Download
2) Apple device driver only Download
The updated packages are now able to detect an Apple Device without any User interaction, to enable this feature hide all three sessions in System->Firmware Customization->Custom Application. Then browse to Custom commands->Desktop commands->Custom Command Desktop Final and remove # from the line #setsid /config/sessions/applelauncher0 and reboot the device. After the reboot the device will check for an Apple Device every 5 seconds (can be modified thru the sleep commands). So you have three way how to mount a Apple device.
One small Tip: If you want to make only the DCIM folder available to transfer pictures in an ICA or RDP session you can browse in the IGEL setup in the session configuration to the ICA or RDP Global configuration and change in Mapping->Drive Mappings the path from /media/apple to /media/apple/DCIM.
If you already using one of these packages you only have to replace the UMS Profile and not the binaries.
Important Note: The new Apple IOS 7 is working with this package but it seams to be that the IPad together with IOS 7 get to less voltage from the client. If you got other results please inform me!
(Thanks to a User for this quick update, i only got an IPad with IOS 7 for my tests and not an IPhone!)
Update: It seams to be that IOS7 produces some “hick ups”, as soon there is a fixed version available i will update this package.
P.S.: This is the last release created in the manual way, all future releases will be created with DATI and can be edited/modified with DATI by your own, also this will be a sample how you can work with DATI for a IGEL Linux software integration.
Hello Folks,
here is a new release for the Deployment Assistant Tool for IGEL Thin Client Version 1.05.
You want to customize your IGEL Thin Clients, then you should try it… 🙂
– Version 1.05
ILISE has now a drop down menu that contains several features/options.
ILISE allows to edit the generated integration shell script now.
ILISE can now add a protected MyScript Area for your own extensions, this area will not be overwritten by the script engine.
ILISE can now load already created shell scripts (ilise.sh) if available in the content folder for the custom partition package.
ILISE now supports up to 15 custom code snipplets to be added to the ILISE MyScript Area.
Added find and replace function to ILISE, find and replace will modify all lines generated by ILISE and the MyScript Area by default.
Added “Reset Settings Option” to ILISE.
Fixed a small display issue with the ILISE Tooltip’s.
Added Cloud-Client.info Website URL’s to Info Menu.
Updated URL to IGEL’s LUNA Script Language Manual for Windows Embedded Partial Updates, URL can be modified in the dati.ini if changed again.
Added Cloud-Client.info Whitepaper related to Linux custom partition basics as Helpfile (optional download).
New Feature: Help Download Tool, DATI will now offer the download and include of missing Helpfiles / Whitepapers.
Added change path option to ILISE for the 7za.exe if required or 7za.exe is located in an other folder
ILISE can now create .tar.bz2 or .tbz files (configured thru ILISE options), .tbz format/extension is used by IGEL Technology.
ILISE will now check that 7za.exe is available in the configured/default folder before creating a .tar.bz2/.tbz archive.
Custom Partition Package .inf file creator can now select .tar.bz2 and .tbz files to create the required .inf file.
Added Print Script feature to ILISE for the purpose of documentation, this will print the generated script incl. the MyScript Area.
Added DATI .ini file, the .ini file will be created if not exists and contains configuration settings for DATI.
Optimized code and graphics, dati.exe size reduced from 364KB to less then 220KB without loosing any features.
Download here: Download
P.S.: There is Version 1.05.1 available fixing an issue with the .tbz/.tar.bz2 switch in the options, thanks for the report!
Hi Folks,
you have a MSDN Account? Don’t forget to download Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1 today… 🙂
Hi Folks,
maybe this information is useful: If you want to use Citrix GoToMeeting you should be aware that you can not use GoToMeeting together with an Audio Headset and XenApp.
If you are using XenDesktop together with a Desktop OS (not Server OS!) then it will work and you can use the Headset.
This is not related to IGEL, it’s a general behavior for GoToMeeting together with XenDesktop/XenApp and the Client OS (Windows/Linux) is not important!
P.S.: Future versions of GoToMeeting maybe will not show this behavior… 🙂
still a not IGEL related topic but currently this one really steals my nerves: the handling of Firmware Updates for Android Tablet’s by some “major” Vendors, in my case Samsung.
First of all, i really like Android but it seems to be that some vendors try to do there best to destroy this solution. So what is the story, it’s quite simple and maybe it is not only related to the Samsung products. Iam talking about how firmware updates are provided by these vendors and why this has a direct impact on cloud computing and/or company policies.
First of all: What is important for a Company?
1) A working solution. (In this case a Update from Android 4.0.4 > 4.1.2, Android 4.0.4 has a lot of known issues see also here: http://socialcompare.com/en/comparison/android-versions-comparison
2) Same patch level / features on all similar devices.
Can this be guarenteed by some vendors? No!
Why? Because it depends where you bought the device, as example if you bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 WiFi in Serbia or the Netherlands and you got all devices there: You are lucky and get your updates (Android 4.0.4 to Android 4.1.x in this case) very fast; but what happens if you got the device in the UK, the US, Germany, Austria or Switzerland? You can wait… …wait… and wait and maybe after a couple of months you will receive a update. Is this a single case? No!
What is the reason for this? Quality insurrance? Requires Serbia or the Netherlands less Quality? No!
What else could be the reason? Regional settings or really special regional configurations? No! Until now the only major difference seams to be the Samsung regional code in the firmware.
So what is it?
It’s quite simple: For Samsung and maybe also some other Vendors all Mobile Providers in an Area like Switzerland have to confirm the Firmware release if you got a device without any Provider relationship(?!?). Do this explain why you have to wait months for a working Android Firmware release to you?
But wait, we’re talking about a WiFi only device that was not bought in a mobile store; so why should a Mobile Provider confirm this firmware release? Nobody will tell you, don’t ask about which mobile Provider are blocking a firmware release and/or why; Samsung will not tell you at all. If you got a device from T-Mobile, Verizon or who ever i would unterstand this but for a none provider branded device without the technical ability to connect to any mobile provider: Sorry but this is crazy and not usable for any company environment at all. In other words: Discrimination by area depending on the “acts of mercy” coming from a few hidden mobile providers and the hardware Vendor (Samsung): That’s what you get!
If you look @ google you will find a lot of discussions about this and how people are not accepting this handling by flashing there Samsung device with other tools (and risk the warranty). This might be a solution… But for a company? Mobile Device Management? BYOD and you tell an employee: “Oh, a Samsung device? We will flash it with our tool, you will loose your warranty and maybe we break it to get it working!”. This is no solution and iam not sure if Samsung or any other Vendors working in the same way really have an interest to be in the Tablet market; it doesn’t look and feel like this for me and it’s not enough to have only a good hardware Quality. Mostly the Software win’s a deal, not the Hardware.
So if a customer ask me the next time what type of mobile device/tablet i would recommend, it would by everything but not something like this. Of course you can say… The Galaxy Tab 2 is a end consumer product, regarding my experience it also fit’s for the Galaxy Note Series in the same way. For a company dealing in several areas and claims to be a “major” vendor this is not acceptable, compare it to a Laptop: You will only get an update from Microsoft until all Mobile Providers in your Country accept the update. Sounds funny for a Laptop right? Why do you accept it for your Android based tablet? I will not as long this handling for WiFi only and/or Mobile Provider free devices is not fully changed.
…and if you have enough and only one or two tablets: Update it by your own, there is a tool called Odin and a lot of Websites/Forums available to break this stupid system and flash an other regional firmware on nearly every Samsung Device. A vendor who is not able to provide a usable firmware update to there customers or blow up the process to deliver a firmware with useless rules coming without any sense has not to blame any user for a try to get a working device at all.
If you plan to buy android tablets for your Company: Check the update history for your area in advance and compare it to other areas, if you find a big difference depending on the area: Forget it! Other Vendors do also offer a good hardware quality and the best hardware will not help in case that the Software do not support the things you want to do or work in the way it should do.
P.S.: If you don’t believe me, i can provide everyone my email discussion with the Samsung Support, the Samsung Support confirmed the handling like described above and i asked several times.
Hello Folks,
here is a new DATI release, Version 1.04 contains a couple of changes:
ILISE is nearly final (RC)
ILISE can now also write the Linux integration script as Linux executable shell script (ilise.sh) in the custom partition content folder.
Fixed issue with the Partial Update->Deploy several files from one folder function (always one file was not copied).
Fixed issue for ILISE if the content folder has no subdirectorys to prevent a not valid // script entry.
ILISE can now create a .tar.bz2 archive based on the set content folder for the custom partition.
Added some options to the ILISE script engine.
Added helper folder for add-on tools (currently 7-Zip command line tool is added to create the .tar.bz2 file).
Optimized ILISE Engine to provide a better user experience incl. a status Windows and User messages/warnings.
Added Tooltip’s to all features in ILISE.
Updated cloud-client.info logo for the info window.
Reworked ReadMe.txt (The file you are reading at the moment…)
The Download is available here: Download
Hi Folks,
like promised here is the improved Apple device Support for the x86 based IGEL Linux.
There are now two custom Partition packs available:
1) Apple device driver + local aTunes (iTunes alternative for Linux) + mplayer for the media playback Download
2) Apple device driver only Download
Both packs are coming now with an improved mount script that shows status messages to the User, also a unmount session is now available.
New: A automount Option/Session is available, once this is started the script will run until a Apple device was mounted successfully.
Have fun!
Hello Folks,
thank you for all your feedback, i will release a reworked version this week friday with a few more currently missed features and improvements.
So stay tuned…
Hi Folks,
here is a new Version of DATI, Version 1.03 comes with an Beta Version for the IGEL Linux custom partition script engine.
There are a lot of features not visible at the moment but if you deal with Linux scripting for the IGEL Linux custom partition feature it might be already a big help.
The download is available here: Download
– Version 1.03
Included IGEL Linux custom partition integration script engine (Beta/Early Release)
Fixed display issue in the delete registry entry sub window for Windows Partial Updates
Reworked sub window handling for better user experience
Changed cloud-client.info icon and gfx to new 2013 design
Please report issues to blog@cloud-client.info