Hi Folks,
i wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016!
Hi Folks,
if you used the IGEL Universal Deskop OS as virtual Test/Demo System together with a Microsoft Hyper-V Server, please note that this will not work anymore after updated to Version 5.08.100. The VM will not boot…
So if you still want to use it on Hyper-V you have to stay on the 5.07.100 Version.
Update: This will be fixed with an private build, please contact the IGEL Support to receive the update!
IGEL Universal Desktop OS 2
Version 5.08.100
Release date 2015-12-11
Last update of this document 2015-12-11
The online Release Notes can be found at http://edocs.igel.com/index.htm#10204110.htm
Registry Keys of parameters are listed there.
– Citrix Access Gateway Standard Plug-in
– Citrix HDX Realtime Media Engine 1.8.0-258
– Citrix Receiver
– Citrix Receiver
– Citrix Receiver
– Dell vWorkspace Connector for Linux 8.5.0
– Ericom PowerTerm
– Ericom PowerTerm
– Ericom Webconnect
– Evidian AuthMgr 1.3.5696
– FabulaTech USB for Remote Desktop 5.1.0_20151106
– Firefox 38.4.0
– IBM iSeriesAccess 7.1.0-1.0
– IGEL Legacy RDP Client 1.0
– IGEL RDP Client 2.2
– Imprivata OneSign ProveID Embedded
– Leostream Java Connect
– NCP Secure Client (Enterprise) 3.25-rev23310-i686
– NX Client 4.6.16
– Open VPN 2.3.2
– Oracle JRE 1.8.0_66
– Parallels 2X Client 14.1.3452
– Remote Viewer 2.0 for RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Desktops
– Systancia AppliDis
– Thinlinc Client 4.4.0-4775
– ThinPrint Client 7.0.65
– Totem Media Player 2.30.2
– Nimboxx VERDE Client 8.0.0-rel.25568
– VMware Horizon client 3.5.0-2999900
– Voip Client Ekiga 3.2.7
– Driver for Grundig Business Systems dictation devices
– Nuance Audio Extensions for dictation 7.47.0
– Driver for Olympus dictation devices
– Legacy Philips Speech Driver 5.0.10
– Philips Speech Driver 12.3.10
– signotec VCOM Daemon 1.0.11
– Softpro/Kofax Citrix Virtual Channel
– StepOver TCP Client 1.0.0
– PKCS#11 Library A.E.T SafeSign 3.0.93
– PKCS#11 Library Athena IDProtect 623.07
– PKCS#11 Library Gemalto IDPrime 1.2.1
– PKCS#11 Library SecMaker NetID
– Reader Driver ACS CCID 1.0.5
– Reader Driver HID Global Omnikey CCID
– Reader Driver MUSCLE CCID 1.4.19
– Reader Driver Omnikey CCID legacy-3.6.0
– Reader Driver Omnikey RFID legacy-2.7.2
– Reader Driver REINER SCT cyberJack 3.99.5final.SP03
– Reader Driver Safenet / Aladdin eToken 8.1.0-4
– Reader Driver SCM Microsystems SDI011 5.0.18
– Reader Driver Identive / SCM Microsystems CCID 5.0.33
– Resource Manager PC/SC Lite 1.8.12
System Components:
– Graphics Driver ATI 7.3.0
– Graphics Driver NVIDIA 304.128
– Graphics Driver INTEL 2.99.914
– Graphics Driver VIA
– Kernel 3.13.11-ckt27 #67.109-udos-r1368
– Xorg X11 Server 1.15.1
– Xorg Xephyr 1.15.1
This release integrates three Citrix Receiver versions: 12.1.8, 13.1.4 and 13.2.1.
Only one of these versions can be active at a time.
You can change the Receiver version in IGEL Setup/UMS on page
“Sessions->Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp->Citrix Receiver Selection”.
Citrix Receiver version 13.2.1 is used by default.
Dual monitor configuration for “unsupported hardware” works only if “native
driver support” works properly. It is a prerequisite to assure that the
native driver is really working, as the fallback VESA driver does not provide
any dual monitor configuration. Have a look at Application Launcher’s
“About tab->Hardware-Graphics Chipset”. If VESA is listed there the native
driver does not work and dual monitor configuration is not functional.
Known issues:
[Citrix Receiver 13]
– Randomly seamless application windows are displayed twice in a dual monitor setup.
– It can happen that the window of a published Firefox can get unusable when the window is maximized,
then minimized and maximized again. This can also happen to other applications, too
Workaround: enable registry key ica.wfclient.twisetfocusbeforerestore with Citrix Receiver 13.2.1
– If you have socks- and http/ssl proxy defined in the system wide setup,
the browser uses the socks proxy. In contrast in session specific setup,
the browser prefers http/ssl proxy.
[VMware Horizon]
– Remote Applications are not seamless in the strict sense.
These are rather displayed in an extra window decorated by the TC’s window manager.
– If more applications defined and started in the same session, all are displayed inside this window.
The default size of this window can be defined in the Window section of the Horizon session.
– PCoIP user input language synchronization is currently broken.
[Dell vWorkspace Connector]
– Seamless applications exported from Win8/8.1 desktops show display errors when
dragged to the screen edges.
– With a dual monitor configuration flash redirected windows can appear on wrong screen.
– After the start of a seamless session the window is initially maximized before being
resized to the correct size.
– Windows XP sessions might not work properly anymore.
– Only standard 105 keys PC keyboards are supported.
Not supported anymore: Trimodal, Sun Type 6 or IBM 122 keys.
– Mapping of drives to a dedicated drive letter is not possible anymore.
– If Com-port redirection is enabled all linux serial ports (/dev/ttySx) will be mapped.
– If printer mapping is enabled all printers configured in CUPS are mapped.
– For Multimedia Redirection sound redirection with WMV/WMA streams is not working.
– USB Redirection may not work reliable.
– Session starts only if RDP Local Logon Window
(IGEL Setup->Sessions->RDP->RDP Global->Local Logon) is active.
[Genucard VPN]
– Network loss, network reconfiguration or dis- and reconnecting genucard requires session restarts
[Evidian AuthMgr]
– Active Directory users with a password containing special characters may have problems to
authenticate with the configured session.
Known special characters which results in errors are:
` (grave accent, ASCII code 96)
ยด (acute accent, ASCII code 239)
IGEL Universal Desktop OS 2 5.08.100
New Features:
[Citrix Receiver 13]
– Updated Citrix Receiver to version 13.2.1 (additionally to 12.1.8 and 13.1.4)
Receiver 13.0.4 was removed.
Citrix Receiver version 13.2.1 is used by default now.
– Added new Citrix Virtual Channel for Dictation with Nuance devices and software.
Activate in IGEL Setup on page Sessions->Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp->
HDX / ICA Global->Mapping Device Support, parameter “Nuance Channel for Dictation”
default: disabled.
– Added a parameter to disable “Ctrl+Alt+Del” hotkey for login data input in the
Smartcard login window. Only Smartcard login is available then. The new paramater
is available in the registry:
“ica.login.smartcard_only” (default: disabled)
– Added username and password authentication support for the System-wide proxy
located at setup page Network->Proxy. The primary intention of use is for
Citrix Sessions with Flash redirection.
The local Firefox browser can also levarage these settings, if a proxy realm is defined.
– Citrix StoreFront/Web Interface:
– Added a filter for the applications appearance on start menu, desktop
and application launcher at IGEL Setup
Sessions -> Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp ->
Citrix StoreFront / Web Interface -> Appearance:
“Apply display filter to start menu entries”, (default: disabled)
“Apply display filter to Application Launcher entries”, (default: disabled)
“Apply display filter to desktop icons”, (default: disabled)
– Added numeration for identical session names by activating the parameter in the
registry: “ica.pnlogin.unique_names” (default: false)
[RDP/IGEL RDP Client 2]
– Updated IGEL RDP Client 2 to version 2.2
(based on FreeRDP 1.2.4 git version Sep 21 23:42:32 2015
commit 62da9d28c674814c81c245c1c7882eb0da7be76b)
– Added automatic reconnect if network connection is lost. Reconnect can be aborted
manually. This feature only works with Desktop Sessions. Gateway Sessions
and Remote Apps are not supported.
– Added playback of MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 videos in RDP multimedia redirection.
– Added Dynamic Client Drive Mapping functionality.
You can enable this feature at Setup -> Devices -> Storage Devices ->
Storage Hotplug -> Enable dynamic client drive mapping (default: disabled)
– Added automatic Windows desktop resizing (resolution of desktop) if size of
the RDP window is changed. It can be enabled at:
Sessions -> RDP -> RDP Global -> Window -> Enable Display Control (default: enabled)
– Improved server certificate handling. If the certificate was already accepted once
no certificate dialogue will popup as long as the session is running.
[RD Web Access]
– Added support to use a filter for the applications shown on start menu, desktop
and application launcher at IGEL Setup
Sessions -> RDP -> Remote Desktop Web Access -> Appearance:
“Apply display filter to start menu entries”, (default: disabled)
“Apply display filter to Application Launcher entries”, (default: disabled)
“Apply display filter to desktop icons”, (default: disabled)
[vWorkspace AppPortal]
– Added support to use a filter for the applications shown on start menu, desktop
and application launcher at IGEL Setup
Sessions -> vWorkspace Client -> vWorkspace AppPortal -> Appearance:
“Apply display filter to start menu entries”, (default: disabled)
“Apply display filter to Application Launcher entries”, (default: disabled)
“Apply display filter to desktop icons”, (default: disabled)
[VMware Horizon]
– Updated VMware Horizon client to version 3.5.0-2999900.
– Added Network Level Authentication (NLA) for RDP based sessions.
If NLA support is switched on, IGEL’s local logon dialog is enabled automatically.
NLA can be enabled at IGEL setup:
Sessions -> Horizon Client Sessions -> <session name> -> Options -> Network Level Authentification
For VMware Horizon Appliance Mode, the configuration as located at:
IGEL Setup: Sessions -> Appliance Mode -> VMware Horizon -> Network Level Authentification
– Added drive mappings, defined at Setup -> Sessions -> RDP -> RDP Global
to be used in PCoIP sessions, too.
[Appliance Modes]
– Added battery level notifications and battery level actions for Appliance Mode setups.
– XenDesktop Appliance:
– Added Quick Settings (located at IGEL Setup->Accessories->Quick Settings) availability
through the defined hotkey
– Changed parameters for the on-screen keyboard:
New parameter in IGEL Setup: Setup -> Sessions -> Appliance Mode -> Citrix XenDesktop
“Enable on-screen keyboard”, (default: disabled)
“Width of on-screen keyboard in pixels”, (default: 0)
“Height of on-screen keyboard in pixels”, (default: 300)
These parameters specify the width and height of the on-screen keyboard if it is enabled
for the Citrix XenDesktop appliance mode. If exactly one of them is greater than 0 the
others will be calculated so that the on-screen keyboard has its preferred aspect ratio.
* xen.xenapp-morph.touchscreen.softkeyboard_size (Specify width or height instead)
In order to preserve the old size calculate the height like this:
softkeyboard_h = 2 x (old softkeyboard_size) x (number of key rows on the on-screen keyboard)
New parameter in IGEL Setup for x,y position:
“x coordinate of on-screen keyboard”, (default: 0)
“y coordinate of on-screen keyboard”, (default: 0)
These parameters may now have negative values. It allows to specify the location of
the on-screen keyboard relative to the right and to the bottom of the screen. E.g. setting both to -1
makes the on-screen keyboard appear at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Activating the “Enable on-screen keyboard” parameter is now necessary and sufficient
to make the on-screen keyboard appear.
The activation of a touchscreen driver is not required anymore.
– New on-screen keyboard configuration in VMware Horizon, RHEV/Spice and Imprivata Appliance
at IGEL Setup Sessions -> Appliance Mode:
“Enable on-screen keyboard”, (default: disabled)
“Width of on-screen keyboard in pixels”
“Height of on-screen keyboard in pixels”
“x coordinate of on-screen keyboard”
“y coordinate of on-screen keyboard”
Negativ values of the x,y coordinate are handled in the same way as described for Citrix XenDesktop
In Horizon Applicance Mode an on-screen keyboard is visible only during the logon.
With enabled on-screen keyboard Local Logon is automatically used.
Further configuration of the on-screen keyboard, like whether the function keys, the navigation
keys or the numpad should be visible, has to be set up at Setup -> Accessories -> On-screen keyboard.
[NX client]
– Updated NoMachine NX Client to version 4.6.16
– Added NoMachine NX Client multimonitor support with parameter:
“Multimonitor Fullscreen” at:
Setup -> Sessions -> NX -> NX Sessions -> <session name> -> Unix-Display -> Resolution
– Updated Verde Client to version 8.0
Added new parameters in IGEL Setup:
Setup -> Sessions -> VERDE Sessions -> <session name> -> Connection:
– “Command line mode” (default: false)
– “Desktop name”, (default: empty)
– “Desktop display protocol”, (default: empty)
This will allow to start a Verde session without using the default Verde client.
When “Command line mode” is activated the “Desktop name” and “Desktop display protocol”
parameters are modifiable.
Setup -> Sessions -> VERDE Sessions -> <session name> -> Options ->
“Custom options for Remote Viewer client”, (default: empty)
This will allow to add custom parameters to the remote-viewer client when
executed by Verde.
– Added multiple startup pages in tabs support.
To do this, seperate the URLs by a pipe symbol “|”. The first page in the list will be the
active page. Note that if the tab panel is hidden, all additional startup pages are ignored.
The startup page can be defined in IGEL setup:
Sessions->Browser->Browser Global->Startuppage and
Sessions->Browser->Browser Sessions-><session name>->Settings->Startuppage
– Updated Wireless Regulatory database to the latest release.
– Added support for the Wireless LAN Chipset Realtek RTL8188EE.
– New parameters added for preventing Network Manager from abandoning device configuration.
By default Network Manager abandons device configuration at some point, when problems occur.
This is usually reasonable but sometimes it is preferable that Network Manager does not give up.
Particularly under these circumstances the new parameters may be beneficial:
* Cisco switch in use
* 802.1X authentication enabled
* network.interfaces.ethernet.deviceX.ieee8021x.secure_only=true
* Reauthentication fails when the switch is power-cycled.
These boolean parameters can be accessed via the registry:
* network.interfaces.ethernet.device0.insistence
* network.interfaces.ethernet.device1.insistence
(default: false)
They refer to the first and second wired device respectively.
The default value false preserves the behaviour of former firmware versions,
i.e. Network Manager is allowed to abandon device configuration.
If the parameter is set to true the device configuration will be retried
until it is successful.
– Added option to convert all host names to upper case by default.
This can be controlled by the new registry key:
display name: Conversion of Terminal Name
(default: to upper case)
range: none, to upper case, to lower case
[Remote Management]
– Added the option “New Hostname” to the UMS registration tool to set a new hostname
during registration.
You can find the tool at Start Menu -> System -> UMS Registering
[Genucard VPN]
– Added more detailed error and warning messages.
[Open VPN]
– Added DNS and routing parameters to be configurable at:
Setup -> Network -> VPN -> Open VPN -> <connection name> -> IPv4
Here you can decide to use the DNS and/or routing settings you get from
the OpenVPN Server by switching on or of
“Automatic DNS” or “Automatic Routes”, respectively.
You can also specify extra name servers and search domains
and decide whether VPN should be the default route.
– Added routing parameters to be configurable at:
Setup -> Network -> VPN -> Open VPN -> <connection name> -> Route 0/1/2
– Added command line tool scardserial to read serial number (UID) of DESFire EV1 smart cards.
– Added support for card reader Elatec TWN4 CCID (09D8:0425).
– Updated PKCS#11 Library Gemalto IDPrime to version 1.2.1:
Added support for the following cards:
– IDPrime MD 840
– IDPrime MD 3840
– IDPrime MD 830 – ICP
– IDPrime MD 3810 – Rev B
– Optelio / Desineo D72
[CUPS Printing]
– Removed application xfprint4-manager for handling of print jobs. It is not supported any more.
[base system]
– Updated Kernel to Ubuntu Trusty version 3.13-67.109
– Added Japanese User Interface translation.
Added three different Japanese input methods (Nippon, Hiragana, Katakana), which can be further
customized in the IGEL Setup at Setup -> User Interface -> Input -> SCIM Input Methods Platform ->
Generic Table -> Table Administration.
– Added Product Id extension “a” when AAC Multimedia Codec is licensed.
– Added “userinterface.keyboard.extraoptions” and “userinterface.keyboard.add_layout%.extraoptions”
parameters to allow additional keyboard options being enabled.
Supported extraoptions are:
* “caps:stickycapslock”
Use “caps:stickycapslock” when you want capslock being released only by pressing and
releasing one of the shift keys but not when capslock is pressed again.
* “caps:stickyshiftlock”
For some keyboard layouts “caps:stickyshiftlock” might affect additional keys that are
not affected by “caps:stickycapslock”.
* “shift:breaks_caps”
Use “shift:breaks_caps” when you want capslock being released when one of the shift keys
is being pressed and released or when capslock is being pressed again.
– Improved the setup page “Setup -> Devices -> Storage Devices -> Storage Hotplug”.
It is not restricted to USB devices anymore.
The reason for this generalization is support for MMC card readers, that are not connected to USB but
directly to the PCI bus. These are also affected by the settings on that setup page.
– Added new parameter to configure the default access permission for mountable volumes on hotplug storage devices:
at Setup -> Devices -> Storage Devices -> Storage Hotplug -> Default permission
Range: Read/Write, Read Only, (default: Read/Write)
For USB devices it is possible to specify exceptions from the default access permission
at Setup -> Devices -> USB access control -> Device Rules -> <rule name> -> Permission
Range: Global Default, Read/Write, Read Only, (default: Global Default)
USB access control must be enabled for this to work.
The exception can be bound to the Vendor/Product ID and UUID of the USB storage device.
– Updated several packages from Ubuntu lucid to current trusty versions
– Updated IGEL Setup to version 5.1.15
– Added support for signotec signature pads. Enable it at
“Setup -> User Interface -> Input -> Signature Pad -> Enable signotec VCOM Daemon”
Then the virtual serial device (/dev/ttyVST0, /dev/ttyVST1) can be mapped via Citrix and
RDP COM Port Mapping.
– Added support for JMicron JMC250 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
– Updated INTEL graphics driver from version 2.99.910 to 2.99.914
– Updated Philips Speech Driver to version 12.3.10:
– Fixed problems with sliding switch of LFH3510:
switching from REC to STOP in some cases was not recognised correctly.
– Updated Grundig Dictation Driver to version 30.07.2015.
– Added Support for SonicMic 3
*** Important ***: not supported anymore: SonicMic I and SoundBox 820
[Shared Workplace]
– Use display switcher settings for shared workplace also, which could be
overruled with a user profile assigned to the logged in user.
– Added display zoom support to display switcher (use a virtual resolution, higher as
the monitor resolution also known as spanning).
– Added the resolution 1280×1080 at 60Hz and 75Hz for LG29UB55-B in split-screen mode.
Unfortunately, the monitor doesn’t support this resolution, so the picture
may be distorted. As a workaround, you may switch the monitor on/off until
the monitor accepted the resolution.
– Added Screenshot Tool (see Setup -> Accessories -> Screenshot Tool) to take pictures of
the entire screen or an active window.
Added hotkey configuration for:
– Screenshot of active window, default CTRL+ALT+Print, (default: disabled)
– Screenshot of entire screen, default CTRL+SHIFT+Print, (default: disabled)
configurable at Setup -> User Interface -> Hotkeys -> Commands
– Added Taskmanager (see Setup -> Accessories -> Taskmanager) to view running processes,
CPU usage and memory information.
– Added a new category at Setup -> System -> Firmware Customization -> Corporate Design.
Bootsplash, Background Wallpaper and Company Logos for Start Menu and Screen Saver can be
– Moved Setup pages from “User Interface->Display->Desktop” to “User Interface->Desktop”
– Updated the XFCE desktop environment to version 4.12.3
– Added parameter “Single Click Mode” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop”
In this mode, icons on the Desktop are activated with a single click instead of the usual
double click. This is recommended when using a touchscreen monitor.
– Added parameter “Auto Hide Behavior” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop -> Taskbar”
to configure the auto hide behavior of the taskbar.
The taskbar autohide feature now has another mode called “Intelligently”, which activates
the taskbar as long as no window occupies space at the taskbar position. If a window is moved
onto the taskbar or if it gets maximized, the taskbar autohide feature is activated automatically.
This autohide mode is used by default. Configure “Auto Hide Behavior” to “Always” if you
want the behaviour of firmware before 5.08.100.
Additionally there are new parameters:
– “Taskbar Show Delay”: to set the delay the mouse has to touch the screen edge
until the taskbar is shown.
– “Taskbar Hide Delay” to set the delay the mouse has to reside outside of the taskbar area to hide the taskbar again.
– Added parameter “Vertical Taskbar Mode” at “User Interface -> Desktop -> Taskbar”
configure the mode of the taskbar if it is aligned to the left or right. The default value
is “Deskbar”. In this mode, the window buttons in the taskbar are displayed as square tiles,
i.e. without the particular text label of the window. Moreover, the title of the start button
(if activated) is represented horizontally. In the “Vertical” mode, the window buttons are
shown together with their text label, written from top to bottom. Equally, the title of the
start button is represented vertically.
– Added parameter “Number of rows/columns in taskbar” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop
-> Taskbar”. Note that the height/width of the taskbar is split equally among the configured
amount of rows/columns. In “Automatic” mode, the number of rows is one if the width/height
of the taskbar is between 1 and 55, two if the width/height is between 56 and 110, three
if the width/height is between 111 and 165, and so on.
default: Automatic
range: Automatic,1,2,3,4,5,6
– Added new page “Taskbar Background” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop” to further
customize the look of the taskbar. The possible values of the taskbar “Background Style” parameter
are System Preset, Solid Color, Color Gradient and Background Image.
The Setup parameter windowmanager.wm0.variables.taskbargradient.solid is not supported anymore.
To set the background of the taskbar to a solid color, please set the “Background Style”
to “Solid Color”.
. Note that if a selected Background Image is smaller than the size of the taskbar, the image will
be repeated in both directions.
– Added new page “Taskbar Items” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop” to configure
the taskbar plugins
– Added disable “Taskbar Clock” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop -> Taskbar Items”
The clock in the taskbar now shows the current date in a tooltip.
– Configure window button list at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop -> Taskbar Items”
“Sorting order in window button list”, default: Timestamp
“Maximum number of rows/columns in window button list”, default: Automatic
range: Automatic,1,2,3
“Show labels in window button list”, default: enabled
– Added parameter “Taskbar System Tray” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop -> Taskbar Items”
to enable or disable the system tray.
– Added parameter “Size of icons in System Tray” at “Setup -> User Interface -> Desktop ->
Taskbar Items” to configure the size of the icons in the system tray.
default: Automatic
range: Automatic,Small,Medium,Large
– The following registry keys are not supported anymore and have been removed:
– The following registry keys has been fixed and is now working as intended:
With this parameter the Button layout in the window titlebar is configured:
O = menu,
T = stick,
| = title,
S = shade,
H = hide,
M = miximize,
C = close
default: |HMC
– The following registry keys have been replaced:
windowmanager.wm0.variables.taskbaractivtrans replaced by:
windowmanager.wm0.variables.taskbartransparency replaced by:
You can now set the transparency level of the taskbar while active/hovered or
inactive/left as percentage value between 0 and 100. Note that this feature needs
a running composite manager. (see Setup -> User Interface -> Display -> Options)
windowmanager.wm0.variables.usewindowlist replaced by:
You can now completely disable the window button list in the taskbar by
unchecking this parameter.
– The following Setup parameter has been modified:
Removed value [Shade window] from windowmanager.wm0.variables.dblclickaction range.
The “Shade window” action is not supported.
– Added parameter windowmanager.wm0.variables.notifications.opacity to set the transparency
of notifications. This parameter can take values from 0 to 100. A lower value makes the
notifications more transparent. This feature needs a running compositor.
(see Setup -> User Interface -> Display -> Options)
– The content of folders within the advanced start menu now expands as a tree instead of
being displayed in a new subpage.
– Show battery level notifications or run battery level actions:
– as soon as a power plug is unplugged
– in the initial logon screen if kerberos or smartcard logon is enabled
– Upgraded Truetype Fonts: DejaVu and Liberation.
– Upgraded Fluendo Gstreamer 0.10 Plugins:
– Fluendo ASF Demuxer 0.10.79
– Fluendo MPEG Demuxer 0.10.85
– Fluendo H264 Video Decoder 0.10.44
– Fluendo WMV Video Decoder 0.10.60
– Fluendo MPEG-4 ASP Video Decoder 0.10.38
– Fluendo MP3 Audio Decoder 0.10.32
– Fluendo WMA Audio Decoder 0.10.59
[Evidian AuthMgr]
– Updated Evidian AuthMgr to version 1.3.5696.
Evidian AuthMgr sessions can be configured at
Setup -> Evidian AuthMgr -> Evidian AuthMgr Sessions
– Changed defaults:
– An Evidian AuthMgr session starts automatically by default now
sessions.rsuserauth<NR>.autostart, (default: enabled)
– No session icon will appear on the desktop by default now
sessions.rsuserauth<NR>.desktop, (default: disabled)
– Added UDC2 support for:
– Fujitsu Futro S450-2, Futro X913 and Futro X923
– Stone N130 Laptop
– ONYX Healthcare Inc. Venus-222
– Wyse Z90Q7
– ‘System Suspend ‘ whould freeze the Futro X923 and Wyse Z90Q7 under certain
circumstances, so it has been disabled.
– Updated Java Runtime Environment to 1.8.0_66.
[2X Client]
– Parallels 2X Client updated to version 14.1.3452
– Updated Ericom PowerTerm 10 version to
– Updated Firefox to version 38.4.0 ESR.
– Updated Flash Player download URL to version
– Upgraded Fabulatech USB for Remote Desktop to 5.1_20151106
Resolved Issues:
[Citrix Receiver 13]
– With Citrix Receiver 13.2.1:
Fixed focus issues with IBM Lotus Notes application
– Fixed “Multi Monitor Fullscreen Mode” and “XenApp/StoreFront Start Monitor”
configuration: With Kerberos Passthrough authentication or after running
the refresh command both parameters were ignored.
– Citrix StoreFront/XenApp fixes:
– Fixed long startup time when starting the first application
– During refresh command do not start any application automatically. The
auto start applications are handled only during the initial logon.
– Fixed sporadic freezes of the session
– Fixed secure connection problem in Citrix XenDesktop Appliance Mode. This resolves Firefox
rejecting a secure connection with warning ‘ssl_error_unsupported_version’.
– Fixed seamless application windows that did not appear in the taskbar from time to time.
– If you have problems with minimizing/restoring a maximized Firefox application, enable
registry key: ica.wfclient.twisetfocusbeforerestore and use the default Citrix Receiver 13.2.1.
– Fixed auto/restart configuration of Legacy ICA sessions
– Citrix session reconnect now works correctly.
– Fixed typo in default value of hotkey for “Toggle SpeedScreen” in Citrix sessions.
– Added parameter imprivata.xen_new_session (xenapp-try-to-launch-new-session).
This parameter enables an internal Imprivata client parameter, which fixes
problems with double-reconnects with XenApp 6.5.
[RDP/IGEL RDP Client 2]
– Fixed sporadic freezes of the session
– Fixed a problem of accessing the smart card after session redirection. Before in some cases a
smart card wasn’t accessible after session was redirected to another server.
– Fixed RD-Gateway functionality. Previously some sessions to a gateway server froze and
were not recoverable.
– Fixed problem which prevented connection to Windows XP VDIs.
– Sporadic small vertical glitches in fast moving PowerPoint presentations fixed.
– Fixed random RDP drawing issue.
– The sent client hostname is now configurable. The used hostname can be selected at:
Setup -> RDP -> RDP Global -> Options -> Client Name (default: empty)
– Fixed Local Logon Window. If all fields except the password field is prefilled and you
enter the password and press RETURN, the session starts immediately.
Before you had to press RETURN twice to start the session.
– Fixed splash screen positioning in multi monitor setups. Now the splash screen should always
be positioned in the center of the monitor, on which the session will appear.
– Fixed RDP clipboard issues. Copying plain text, HTML and bitmaps is supported now.
– Added a new error message to inform the user, that the server requires network authentication but
network authentication is not enabled for the session.
– Fixed password change dialog in a session. The dialog tells you
to press CTRL+ALT+END, but the Windows Server expects CTRL+ALT+DEL. Now you can press
CTRL+ALT+END as mentioned in the Windows dialog, and the client sends CTRL+ALT+DEL.
[RD Web Access]
– Fixed several RDP remote app issues:
– Window drawing issues have been fixed.
– Maximized window handling has been fixed.
– Fullscreen window handling has been fixed.
– Window positioning issues have been fixed
[VMware Horizon]
– Fixed a problem which prevented connection to Windows XP VDIs
– Fixed log file for Horizon View Client not being saved to /var/log/vmware-view/vmviewsessX.debug
if sessions.vdm_client0.options.debug is active.
– Fixed crash which prevented start of VMware Horizon Client in certain cases
– Fixed issues with loging of virtual channels which leads to shortage of memory when the
client runs a long time.
– Fixed bug in starter utility for VMware Horizon Client which resulted in omission of RDP options
in some cases.
– Fixed Local Logon Window. If all fields except the password field is prefilled
and you enter the password and press RETURN, the session starts immediately.
Before you had to press RETURN twice to start the session.
– Removed inoperative registry key vmware.view.savelastlog
[2X Client]
– Parallels 2X Client updated to version 14.1.3452
This version fixes an issue with minimization of Internet Explorer windows.
– Updated Ericom PowerTerm 10 version to
Fixed display problem in VT420 emulation concerning character attributes in origin mode.
[X session (Xephyr)]
– Fixed long start delay of XDMCP chooser and wrong background image with
“indirect over localhost” XDMCP method.
– Fixed quit hotkey
– Fixed Local Browser not being able to play .swf-files.
– Fixed secure connection problem in Citrix XenDesktop Appliance Mode. This resolves Firefox
rejecting a secure connection with warning ‘ssl_error_unsupported_version’.
– Fixed parameter Setup -> Browser -> Browser Sessions -> <session name> -> Hotkeys ->
Disable Hotkeys for Caret Browsing having no effect.
– Fixed flashplayer not installable/updateable while the client is in a firefox-based appliance
mode (i.e. Citrix XenDesktop and RHEV/Spice).
– Fixed browser certificate deployment in cases when an additional browser profile got created
and did not get the already deployed browser certificates.
– Fixed client trying to transfer configuration to UMS even though remote management is disabled.
– Fixed bind9 security issues: CVE-2015-5722, CVE-2015-5477, CVE-2015-4620, CVE-2015-1349,
CVE-2014-8500, CVE-2014-0591, CVE-2013-4854, CVE-2012-5689, CVE-2013-2266, CVE-2012-4244,
CVE-2012-5688, CVE-2012-4244, CVE-2012-5166, CVE-2012-3817, CVE-2012-1033, CVE-2012-1667,
CVE-2011-2464, CVE-2011-1910, CVE-2010-3613, CVE-2010-3614 and CVE-2010-3615
– Fixed iputils security issue: CVE-2010-2529
– Fixed xinetd security issue: CVE-2012-0862
– Fixed host name / network name: previously it could happen that the hostname is a fully
qualified domain name. Furthermore now all host names are converted to upper case by default.
This can be controlled by the new registry key:
display name: Conversion of Terminal Name
(default: to upper case)
range: none, to upper case, to lower case
[Genucard VPN]
– Fixed update second stage problems. No timeout is reached anymore
[Evidian AuthMgr]
– Fixed credential problem with password containing $ (dollar sign, ASCII code 36).
– Fixed HP USB Smartcard CCID Keyboard to work with SecMaker Net iD PKCS11 library.
– Fixed smart card PIN input in server side Nexus Personal software with readers without PIN pad,
handled by Open Source CCID driver, e.g. Gemalto PC Twin Reader.
[CUPS Printing]
– Fixed functionality to set the CUPS print job user name to the name of the logged in Active
Directory user name (controlled by parameters print.cups.use_krbuser and print.cups.krbuser_format).
– Fixed printing via TCP/IP USBLP when a Elo Multitouch (USB) or a Elo Singletouch (USB) is connected.
– Fixed desktop icons with very long labels overlapping adjacent icons.
– Fixed desktop icons and menus not getting refreshed correctly in certain circumstances
– Fixed a rare problem with the background of systray icons, which should now always correspond
to the background of the taskbar.
– Fixed the resize window issue while using ELO serial/USB touchscreens
– Disabled possibility to drag and drop desktop icons onto each other.
[base system]
– Firmware update process and creating of Custom Partition, Custom CI Partition
(Custom Wallpaper or Custom Bootscreen) or Firefox Profile Partition run now exclusively,
to avoid damages in the firmware.
– Fixed sessions not restarting if the restart parameter was switched from deactivated
to activated during runtime.
– Fixed Kerberos configuration in case “Default Domain” parameter is left empty.
– On-screen keyboard fixes:
– A reasonable size is ensured on the lock/login screen
– Visual feedback is reduced (ordinary keys are not highlighted) when shadowing is active.
– Fixed SMB-Mount not mounting share folders if user password contains the comma char “,”.
– Fixed bug: A system booted from USB memory stick crashed when USB access rules were modified.
– Custom wallpapers can now be downloaded over untrusted SSL connections.
– Fixed noise in sound output if the ‘Mic Playback Volume’ and ‘Mic Boost’ are set to
maximal value on the IGEL H830.
– Fixed passthrough authentication failing after changing password.
– Fixed a problem with IGEL on-screen keyboard and ICA/RDP session in full screen.
The Igel on-screen keyboard and taskbar were not visible in a full screen session.
Important: The virtual keyboard in the ICA/RDP full screen session should be activate.
– Fixed firmware update from a USB stick if Active Directory login is active.
– Replaced ntpdate with sntp + wrapper script to speed up time synchronisation.
– Fixed icu security issues: CVE-2015-2632, CVE-2015-4760, CVE-2013-1569, CVE-2013-2383,
CVE-2013-2384, CVE-2013-2419, CVE-2014-6585, CVE-2014-6591, CVE-2014-7923, CVE-2014-7926,
CVE-2014-7940 and CVE-2014-9654
– Fixed hplip security issue: CVE-2015-0839
– Fixed expat security issue: CVE-2015-1283
– Fixed some security issues in freetype (no CVE numbers)
– Fixed gdk-pixbuf security issues: CVE-2015-7673, CVE-2015-767 and CVE-2015-4491
– Fixed nss security issues: CVE-2015-2721 and CVE-2015-2730
– Fixed pcre3 security issues: CVE-2014-8964, CVE-2015-2325, CVE-2015-2326 and CVE-2015-5073
– Fixed net-snmp security issues: CVE-2014-3565 and CVE-2015-5621
– Fixed libvdpau security issues: CVE-2015-5198, CVE-2015-5199 and CVE-2015-5200
– Fixed libwmf security issues: CVE-2015-0848, CVE-2015-4588, CVE-2015-4685 and CVE-2015-4696
– Fixed openssh security issues: CVE-2015-5600 and CVE-2015-5352
– Fixed nvidia-graphic-driver-304 security issue: CVE-2015-5950
– Fixed cups-filter security issues: CVE-2015-3258 and CVE-2015-3279
– Fixed gcc-4.8 security issue: CVE-2014-5044
– Fixed samba security issues: CVE-2015-0240, CVE-2014-8143, CVE-2014-3560, CVE-2014-0178,
CVE-2014-0239, CVE-2014-0244, CVE-2014-3493, CVE-2013-4496, CVE-2013-6442, CVE-2013-4124,
CVE-2013-0172, CVE-2013-0213 and CVE-2013-0214
– Fixed sqlite3 security issues: CVE-2013-7443, CVE-2015-3414 and CVE-2015-3416
– Fixed tiff security issues: CVE-2014-8127, CVE-2014-8128, CVE-2014-8129, CVE-2014-8130,
CVE-2014-9330, CVE-2014-9655, CVE-2013-4231, CVE-2013-4232, CVE-2013-4243 and CVE-2013-4244
– Fixed rpcbind security issue: CVE-2015-7236
– Fixed unzip security issues: CVE-2015-7696, CVE-2015-7697, CVE-2015-1315, CVE-2014-9636,
CVE-2014-8139, CVE-2014-8140 and CVE-2014-8141
– Updated several packages from trusty to current versions
– Fixed handling of failed firmware update from a USB storage.
– Fixed libaudio2 security issues: CVE-2013-4258, CVE-2013-4257 and CVE-2013-4256
– Fixed libexif security issues: CVE-2012-2814, CVE-2012-2840, CVE-2012-2813, CVE-2012-2812,
CVE-2012-2841, CVE-2012-2836 and CVE-2012-2837
– Fixed lzo security issue: CVE-2014-4607
– Fixed bash security issues: CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7187, CVE-2014-7186,
CVE-2014-6278 and CVE-2014-6277
– Fixed libvte security issues: CVE-2012-2738 and CVE-2012-2738
– Fixed rsyslog security issues: CVE-2014-3634, CVE-2014-3683 and CVE-2011-3200
[Storage Devices]
– Fixed problems with USB storage hotplug after removal of an IGEL smartcard.
[X server]
– Updated INTEL xorg driver from 2.99.910 to 2.99.914
– Fixed some backlight control issues with Intel Notebooks with using intel_backlight
instead of acpi_video0 as backlight control.
The corresponding switch is in the IGEL Registry:
default: “Default” (which uses the INTEL control)
range: Default,INTEL,ACPI
To get back old behaviour switch x.drivers.intel.backlight_control to ACPI.
– Added the following parameter in registry:
multimedia.pulseaudio.daemon.load-module-switch-on-connect (default: true)
This parameter controls if hotplugged USB audio devices will be set as default device.
Disabling the parameter fixes the following problem:
– Dictation with Philips Speech driver can fail with error message
“no audio device available” when a different application is playing audio.
– Fixed video redirection of H264 videos in RDP and ICA sessions.
– TCP/IP Print: added DSR output flow control feature to serial port devices. Activate with
parameter “Use DSR Flow Control” on pages: Setup -> Devices -> Printer -> TCP/IP ->COM X
and Setup -> Devices -> Printer -> TCP/IP -> Additional Serial Ports
– Fixed non working VGA on Futro S700
[Remote Management]
– Fixed visibility of Smartcard, Touchscreen and Dictation related parameters in UMS
– Fixed automatic firmware update that under certain conditions could be invoked while other
settings are being applied and collides with running configuration scripts.
– File transfer mechanism now sends more verbose error messages to UMS.
– Fixed check of the exit status of file transfer between UMS and TC.