Tip: What are the differences in the Citrix Receiver by OS?

April 4th, 2014

Hello Folks,

you want to know what is the difference in the Citrix Receiver Versions for MacOSX, Android, Windows 8 or Linux, have a look in the new Citrix Receiver Feature Matrix which is available here: Citrix Receiver Feature Matrix


Release: Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2, Windows RT 8.1 Update and SQL Server 2014 are now available in the MSDN

April 3rd, 2014

Hello Folks,

you can now download the Update for Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 and Windows RT 8.1 in the Microsoft MSDN (MSDN Account required), also SQL Server 2014 RTM is available now in the MSDN.



P.S.: It’s named as Update and not Update 1 🙂

Tip: The Blue Bottle Flies of mobile computing or the billion Dollar business with faked SD-Cards

March 31st, 2014

Hi Folks,

this article is not a typical one and this is a topic i have in mind a couple of weeks now. Everyone is talking about mobile devices and you would a agree that Smart Phones or Tablet Computer are one of the main drivers in the IT at this time.

A lot of vendors are selling there products and accesories to use it with these mobile devices and if you look on the sales amount of 2013 (Source: Gartner) we have 195.000.000 Tablet devices and if you add smart phones (~500.000.000 devices) we have the amount of nearly 700.000.000 devices. Digital Cameras, MP3 Players or other devices using SD-Cards are not counted here… What do a lot of these device need to extend the memory? Yes, a SD-Card!

Of course a lot of these devices do also not support a SD-Card (like Apple devices) but still it should be around 350.000.000 devices. So if you look at these figures SD-Card vendors are really the big winners of mobile computing… …and if they produce cheap faked SD-Cards there are even more big winners.

Faked Micro SD-Card sample

One sample for a typical SD-Card fake, all samples i got of these product were fakes..

I ordered a couple of samples from EBay, Amazon and other sources of the SD-Card type above… They all are cheap fakes not even worth the packaging fee’s.

But how does this trick work… It’s quite simple, the smart card itself is a working SD-Card of a size of 2GB or maybe 4GB (or even smaller/bigger). The SD-Card needs to know how much memory is available with the device and here starts the fake.. The 2GB SD-Card tells everyone to be a 32 or 64GB SD-Card. Simple hardware manipulation but a big win for the vendor. The profit is increddible and these SD-Cards are also sold very cheap (US less than 20 US$, Europe less than 20 € and similar) and the best for the cheaters.. It’s hard to detect a faked SD-Card, most customers will note it after weeks or months and then they often believe the cheap card is “broken”. Systems like Paypal or payment thru Credit Card do not work regarding the time until the user note this “issue”. Why?

The user will not note this “difference” until the real available space is fully used and the computer/tablet/smart phone start to access “not existing” areas. For example in Windows you will get a “semaphore error” message if this “not existing” memory starts to be filled up with data, also you can not format the SD-Card with a file system like NTFS and only fast format (like Smart Phones or Cameras mostly do) do work without any error message.

There are a lot of cheaters outside but not all of these resellers know that they do offer a faked product. During my tests only one EBay reseller from Poland did not take the card back or better, he is not active on EBay anymore. So these re-sellers are mostly victims too, have this in mind if you got a faked card(!). I informed some german resellers and mostly they have stopped the auctions just in time and until they verified that the offered product was a fake.

How can you prevent to be a victim, 10 golden rules:

1) Only buy from a “thrusted” reseller being active for years and not only for a few weeks.
2) Buy in a store if possible, than you know were to go.
3) There are no “64GB” SDHC Cards by standard (Official SD-Card Standards) and any Card offered as 64GB SDHC Card is a FAKE in general. (Yes.. There are a lot of stupid cheaters around, see pictures below, all from current EBay or Amazon offers!).
sdfake2 sdfake3

4) A Card labeled with a brand doesn’t mean it’s not a fake and this incl. if they are labeled as SDXC card.
5) You will “NOT” get any 64GB SD-Card for 12$ or something around this… In my tests all 64GB Cards sold for less than 35$ or 30€ were fakes, quite easy.. If a reseller tells something different please send me  1000 samples were I can choose one random card of my choice for tests and point to your current online offer. If you offer real 64GB SD-Cards for less these prices in Europe or the US i will provide you free ads on my site! Promised!
6) Until you got the card test it just in time with nonsense data and copy a bunch of data on it (like movies) also verify that the data is not corrupt. Movies are a good sample because you can verify the result very fast. This will take time to fill up the card but this is the safe and best way to test it.
7) Use a wipe tool to “zero out” the full SD-Card.
8) Check the write speed, SDXC cards are much faster than SD or SDHC and the write speed for a SDXC Card in Windows Explorer should be higher than 10MB/s in general, use also “large” files for the tests because small files are written much slower to SD-Cards in general.
9) Don’t buy SD-Cards in online auctions, at a farmers market, a basar or somewhere similar… Iam sorry, but here the risk to get a fake is increddible high.
10) Always pay with credit card or paypal, after you got the SD-Card proceed with a test and block the payment if you got a fake ASAP.
If you follow these rules you should be much saver but still: It’s a billion dollar business to earn “easy” cash in a much safer way for criminals and you can never be save that you will not get a cheap fake.


P.S.: Don’t blame main vendors like SanDisk, Sony, Transcend or other for “cheap” products getting damaged after a few days or weeks and don’t believe if a reseller tells you the device is not compatible for “large” SD-Cards, contact the vendor to check if the card is a original one and/or try an other card. Believe me.. Very often you got a fake and not a “technical” problem with your device or a broken card. Also you can contact the police but this could be a “hard” way to demonstrate this to the officers because cheating with SD-Cards is much more saver than cheating with a high expensive faked watch or a money bill and these guys know that. Do also not believe we’re only talking about one or two percent, if i look at EBay auctions or Amazon offers i would expect between 10% and 30% (or even more) offered online SD-Cards are not what they should be and this a  lot.


Hardware support: D-Link DWA-125 WiFi Dongle and IGEL Linux V5

March 28th, 2014

Hello Folks,

today we tested the D-Link DWA-125 USB WiFi dongle with the IGEL Linux V5 (Version 5.02.100).



The device workes fine and we were not able to find any issues.

Hardware Specs:

Product: D-Link 125
Model: EWA125EU A2G
Hardware Revision: A2
Firmware: 1.40
Chipset: Ralink RT3070

Warning: There are other revisions available (incl. different chipsets) and this test was only done with revision A2 just bought in a retail store! See also: https://wikidevi.com/wiki/D-Link_DWA-125_rev_A3



Release: XenDesktop 7.5, XenApp 7.5 and Storefront 2.5

March 27th, 2014

Hello Folks,

Citrix has released there latest product version of XenApp 7.5 and XenDesktop 7.5 incl. Storefront 2.5.

The new versions are available at the Citrix website www.citrix.com for download now and check out you licensing before upgrading your existing environment.

Have Fun


P.S.: For a nice Visio stencil of XenApp/XenDesktop 7.5 visit http://blogs.citrix.com/2014/03/26/new-xenapp-7-5-and-xendesktop-7-5-visio-stencils/

cloud-client.info UMS4 LIVE Alpha Test

March 26th, 2014

Hello Folks,

for a limited time you can use a free service provided by cloud-client.info called UMS4 Live.

What is it? A public available online UMS4, you can use it for tests (GUI handling) or if you’re looking for a configuration or configuration settings. The Alpha Version require to have an installed IGEL UMS4 Console (Version 4.06.100) available, you can use this console to connect to the UMS Live server.


UMS4 LIVE Alpha Test

Please Note:

1) We do not guarantee any availability, performance or anything else, you should not use it for public demonstrations or similar!
2) We are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this service at all!
3) We can stop this service at anytime regarding misusage, hacking or any other “not” wanted use!
4) You do not get any write access to the database, configurations or similar! Read access incl Profile export is allowed.
5) You can not add a Thin Client, deploy a firmware update or similar thru this service!
6) This service is not related to IGEL Technology in any kind!
7) This service comes as it is without any support!
8) By using this service you agree that the related network traffic incl. the use of this service will be monitored for internal use only.
9) The service will be online until the first of April 2014, depending on the usage data this service will be continued or not.

Start the UMS Console and use the following connection settings:

Universal Management Suite Server: ums.cloud-client.info
Port: 443
User Name: ums
Password: live

Required UMS console: IGEL Universal Suite 4.06.100
Access to the UMS internal Webserver on Port 9080 is blocked!


P.S.: This service is hosted by Windows Azure!

Videos: Latest IGEL Videos Feb/Mar 2014

March 26th, 2014

Hi Folks,

maybe this are some intresting videos for you:

Installing a UDC2 License:  [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq8LCj-mKOY]

New UD3 Housing:  [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoALh4C_v1Y]




The new UD3 facelift (aka IGEL meets Darth Vader)

March 19th, 2014

Hello Folks,

maybe you already noticed the UD3 Facelift announced by IGEL in the last weeks, but what do it mean for you as user?

From the technical point… Not much, the biggest new technical change is the extension foot (see below) which now contains two RS232 Ports. For the end user there will be some changes in the handling.

– The front USB hatch will be more stable and easier to handle
– The power switch is now a contact switch, means the User only needs to touch it (compare it to the Xbox 360 power switch)
– The case is “more” green by having no mixed material in the case which means it’s easier to recycle
– The power LED is now located as eye of the IGEL symbol (Eye of the hedgehog)
– The device is a little bit smaller than the old UD3, mostly related to the new “smaller” foot coming with the device
– Easier access to the RJ45 network connector

ud3newback ud3newfoot ud3new

From the Operating System Side and the other technical specs it looks quite similar, like already mentioned; so it’s clearly a facelift from the optical point of view and for the user “handling”. Iam sure a lot of people will like it and a lot of people will also don’t like it but at least this is a question of personal preference.

I will post some more details after i got a trial device, but i believe the device has made some good progress for the end user handling at all.



P.S.: The title comes from my first impression after i saw the new design, i remembered the first time i saw the “black” Darth Vader outfit. 🙂

Tip: Fixing IGEL Linux V5 issues with none RemoteFX capable Remote Desktop Services

March 15th, 2014

Hi Folks,

if you have issues with the new IGEL Linux V5 and none RemoteFX capable Remote Desktop Services (Windows 2008 and older or Windows 7 without SP1 and older) you can fix the issue in two ways:

1) In RDP->RDP Global disable RemoteFX (similar for sessions if the global configuration is not used)!

2) or enable the Legacy RDP Client in RDP->RDP Global->Option, make also sure that RemoteFX is disabled!

If you not perform one of these steps a connection from the client can have a impact for all connected RDS Users (EventID 1503 and other on the Server). Please note that the new IGEL Remote Desktop Service Client is not really designed to work with such old systems like Windows 2003 or similar!

RemoteFX capable are: Windows 2012 (incl. R2), Windows 8 (incl. 8.1), Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 SP1, RemoteFX needs to be enabled/configured thru Policies! Windows 2008 R2 in general can not use RemoteFX USB Redirection and a Windows 7 SP1 VM needs to have a RemoteFX GFX Adapter assigned in the Hyper-V console to redirect USB devices. USB Redirection means USB Port to Server redirection and not Printer or USB Memory mapping, only to be clear here… 🙂



Tip: Troubleshoot disconnecting ICA Session with Citrix Receiver for Linux

March 10th, 2014

Hi Folks,

if you have an issue with disconnecting ICA Session coming with the lates Version of the Citrix Receiver try the following steps:

1) Make sure you have no network issue (use the network tool coming with the IGEL Linux)

2) Disable all not needed redirection features in Sessions->ICA->ICA Global like Printer redirection, Serial Port redirection and so on.

3) Very often it seams to be that this issue is related to Flash (last Flash versions are very unstable, try also an older one on client and also server side) or Multimedia redirection, disable this in the ICA Global settings too.

Please report if this fixed the issue for you and what setting helps most.


Michael Hoting

P.S.: If you run in a issue like this, request exact reports what was the last user action before the session drops.

Release: IGEL Universal Desktop LX (ARM/UD2 Multimedia) Version 1.07.220

March 10th, 2014

IGEL Universal Desktop LX
Version 1.07.220
Feb 17 2014
– Citrix Receiver
– IGEL RDP Client 1.0
– VMware View client 2.0.0-1049726
– Leostream Java Connect
– Firefox 20.0
– Xorg X11 Server 1.10.4
– Xorg Xephyr 1.10.4
– PC/SC Lite 1.8.1
– MUSCLE CCID Driver 1.4.5
Fixed bugs:

– [RDP Rdesktop] : Fixed random server disconnection when audio is enabled

Tip: Fixing Windows Store 0x80240017 Error thru Power Shell

March 10th, 2014

Hi Folks,

i already written two Blogs about the Windows Store and how you can fix issues there…  If these solutions doesn’t help you to fix the Windows Store Error 0x80240017 than you should try this one for the following scenario.

If you run into the scenario that you get a 0x80240017 Error during a App Update or new Installation or a installed App is not shown in the Startmenu and you can’t uninstall or re-install the app try the following solution:

1) Open the Powershell with Adminrights (in Windows Search look for Powershell and click with the right mousbutton on it, select “Run as Administrator”
2) Type in “Get-AppxPackage -Name *part of the appname*
3) You should get a result like shown in the Package (sample is for the Remote Desktop App)

appstorepowershell4) Now enter the command remove-appxpackage *PackageFullName for the previous executed GetAppxPackage command (see also screenshot)
5) Open the Windows Store and try to re-install the app again, a reboot is not required.

This solved the issue for me a couple of times…



Release: IGEL Universal Desktop W7 Firmware 3.07.200

March 3rd, 2014

IGEL Universal Desktop W7
Version 3.07.200
27. February 2014
Supported devices:
UD3-W7, UD5-W7, UD9-W7, UD9-W7 Touch, UD10-W7, UD10-W7 Touch
UD3-730 W7, UD3-740 W7, UD5-730 W7, UD5-740 W7, UD9-730 W7, UD9-731 W7


– Realtek RTL8169 Version:7.43.321.2011
– VIA HD Audio VT1708B:
– Prolific PL-2303 USBtoSerial:
– FTDI UsbToSerial: 2.02.04
– OmniKey Cardman 3×21:
– Intel HD Graphics:
– Intel PCI Communication Controller :
– Realtek 8168: 7.61.612.2012
– Intel AHCI :
– Gemalto Minidriver for .NET Smart Card:
– VIA WLAN VT6656:
– Intel Centrino WLAN N-1000:
– VIA Chrome 9 VX855:
– D-LINK DWA-131 Nano: 1085.7.0815.2009
– VIA Chrome9 VX900:
– VIA Chrome9 VX900 for TC236:
– Ralink RT309x/2860:
– Ralink WLAN RT357x
– Intel 945 Express:
– eGalax xTouch:
– RTL8168C: 7.018.0322.2010
– Realtek HD Audio: 2.63
– .NET: 3.5 Sp1
– Microsoft RDP Client : 8
– Internet Explorer: 8
– Windows Media Player: 12
– Sun JAVA RE: 1.7 Update 17
– Ericom WebConnect:
– Ericom PowerTerm:
– NXClient:
– Quest vWorkspace Client: 7.6
– Ekiga VOIP Client: 3.2.6
– SAP GUI JAVA for Windows: 7.10 R 7
– Tight VNC Server: 2.0.2
– Citrix Receiver: 3.4
– Thin Print: 8.6
– VMware Horizon View Client Version: 5.4.0 build-1219906
– Fabulatech USB for Remote Desktop: 3.1.3
– NCP Enterprise Client: 9.30
– Leostream Connect Client:
– Client for RedHat RHEV-D: 3.0-26
– USB Redirection for RedHat RHEV-D: 3.0-26
– Sumatra PDF Reader: 2.1.1
New features:
– The SYSTEM hive of the Windows registry is protected by the FBWF.
– New product identification for the UD3 (M330C) added.
– Support for WLAN module Ralink RT 3572 added.
Bug fixes:
– Fixed administrativ access to the TC Setup.
– Fixed preview of pictures/thumbnails.
– Fixed activation of addon or upgrade licenses if system was
updated from a version prior to 3.07.100.

Known Issues:
– Xen Desktop Appliance Mode is not working.
– Wireless regulatory domain configuration is not working with
WLAN module Ralink RT 3572 (2,4 Ghz: only 1-11,
5Ghz: only 36-165).
– Fabulatech USB for Remote Desktop is currently
not working with Citrix XenDesktop.
– USB Redirection: Devices connected to a USB 3.0 Port will not
be redirected.

Release: Microsoft Office 2013 SP1, Microsoft Exchange 2013 SP1 and Sharepoint 2013 SP1

February 26th, 2014

Hi Folks,

yesterday/today Microsoft has release several Service Packs containing Updates, new Features and Optimizations for Microsoft Office 2013, Exchange 2013 and also Sharepoint 2013, you can download the Service Packs here:

Microsoft Office 2013 SP1 32Bit: Download
Microsoft Office 2013 SP1 64Bit: Download
Microsoft Exchange 2013 SP1: Download

Office for Windows RT based devices will also receive an update thru Windows Update which is already available.

There are currently no product ISO Files available on MSDN that already contains the SP1, so currently you are required to download/intall the SP1 seperate or to deploy it thru Windows Update or a WSUS Server.



Tip: Windows Store and “Region Codes”

February 21st, 2014

Hi Folks,

today is my day of bashing the Microsoft Windows Store…

As in my last post there are still a lot of curious issues with the Microsoft Store.. One really curious issue are these funny “Region Codes”! Oh.. You didn’t know it? Me too.. No App or the Store will tell you! First of all not all Apps will deal with it but a few of them do and the error messages or better “Points to blame” are really confusing.

I will take a private Sample, i bought a Game “Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas” thru my Swiss Surface Tablet, installed it without any issues and it works fine: everything is good. Now i got my German Laptop to install GTA.. Guess what happen: The app is shown in my Apps (and the Laptop also suggest to install it!!!), so i select the App and click on install… Now the Funny Message: “App is not available for download“. Ok?!?! So i’ve searched in the regular “German” Store Interface again.. App is shown and the Store ask if i would like to buy it, confirmed and now guess.. Message: “App is not available for download“.

I still remember an issue with “regional” Payment Methods (other strange Windows Store issue where you can’t add payment methods to your account in the Windows Store 🙁 ), so i go to the System Control->Region and change the Location to Switzerland and without any more reboots or messages the App can be installed. Ups! Why not a message “App is not available for your current region“? To simple?

So i really like the Surface or other Microsoft Products but for the Store Microsoft still has a lot of lessons to learn! Why do the Store shows an App which is not for my Region? Why always these nonsense Error Message for a Store that should be simple at all and point a none IT customer to a solution? Iam a IT Guy, my wife will take it and throw it  against the Wall because it’s cryptic nonsense and in this case she is right. I do also now that this is a favorite issue for people travel/working between the US and Canada.. So it’s not only a Swiss/German issue.



P.S.: All these lame developers that really thing that a customer stays in one country for there whole live should leave there hole and go outside in the world. This is my personal opinion and regional codes in any product are digital stone age beyond any reality, this is even more important if nothing is mentioned that they do exist (Hello Windows Store!) So.. Now iam feeling better. 🙂


Tip: Windows Store Error 0x80240017 vs. Hyper-V

February 21st, 2014

Hi Folks,

i really could kill some Microsoft developers tonight… Just kidding but this has taken three hours of time to fix a really stupid issue.

Maybe you provide your User a Microsoft based Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 VDI thru Microsoft Remote Desktop Services incl. the Windows Store to download own or company based Apps. By default this should be now big deal but it could… Normally your User browse to the Store and download / buy a new app, depending on the system a App will be shown in the store or not; simple right? …but what happens if this app is already available for the User and he got the App already running on an other device? It will be shown in his Apps and he can select it, now a funny error comes up: “App can not be installed BlaBlaBla… Error 0x80240017”. This error 0x80240017 for Microsoft seams to mean: “Could be everything and we have no clue where it coming from.

There are several Tips and Clues available and i’ve tried everything more than one time (!): Store Reset (wsreset.exe), installing Updates, deleting the Software Distribution Folder, Regional Settings, Time Zone and much more but finally it means: Your System doesn’t fit the requirements for this App! Great.. Why not direct translating it for humans and maybe for the Microsoft Support too (which have also no clue what it could mean)!?!

Ok… Enough blaming, let’s come to my solution for Hyper-V based VDI’s: To fix it just disable the Dynamic Memory Feature for the Windows 8.x based Desktops or/and increase it to min. 1024 or better 2048 (or more) MB of RAM. After this small fix everything works like a charm, it seams to be that the Windows Store can not deal with the Dynamic Memory and the result will be this nonsense error message.

Have Fun!


P.S.: I checked it also with Windows Server 2012 R2, similar behavior… If you got the issue for a physical device try it on an other “better” hardware.

Release: cloud-client.info UMS Appliance Version 2.6 for Microsoft Hyper-V and Oracle Virtual Box

February 20th, 2014

Hello Folks,

a new Version of our IGEL Universal Management Suite Appliance is available for download: Download



Version 2.6 changelog:

– Updated Ubuntu Subsystem
– Updated IGEL Universal Management Suite to 4.06.100
– Updated cloud-client.info UMS Template to 1.0.70



Tip: Fixing Microsoft Exchange 2013 Index Database issues

February 20th, 2014

Hi Folks,

i just have done two Exchange 2013 stand alone installations and on one Server i’ve run into the issue that the Mail Database Index Search did not work (EventID 1012 for MSExchangeIS) and the User was not able to perform a Search in Outlook or thru Outlook Web Access.

There are a couple of solutions mentioned like changing User Rights and so on but mostly the issue can be fixed quite simple: Just delete the Index Database.

1) Create a Backup or Snapshot for the Exchange Server
2) Browse to the Databasefolder (Default: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Mailbox\Mailbox Database XXXXXXXXXX\)
3) Stop the two Search Services (Microsoft Exchange Search Host Controller and Microsoft Exchange Search)
4) In the Mailbox Database Folder should be a cryptic subfolder like  DC206C90-9627-4A70-B156-2E40F8A9429F12.1.Single, it should be the only subfolder here. Move this folder to an other directory (for recovery) or delete it.
5) Restart the two Search Services (see Names in 3))
6) Open the Exchange Administration Site and browse to Server->Database and Verify the Index state.. After a couple of time it should be changed from Unknown to Recreating, be prepared that the recreation can take some time and do not reboot the Server during this time and until the Index State has changed to “without errors”.
7) Drink a beer and be happy that the issue is fixed. 🙂


Release: cloud-client.info IGEL UMS Template 1.0.70

February 19th, 2014

Hello Folks,

there is a new Version of the cloud-client.info IGEL UMS Template available here: Download


– Support for IGEL Zero Firmware 5.02.100
– Support for IGEL Universal Desktop LX V5 (x86) Firmware 5.02.100
– Support for IGEL Universal Desktop OS 2 V5 (x86) Firmware 5.02.100
– Support for IGEL Universal Desktop OS Firmware 4.13.100
– Support for IGEL Universal Desktop LX (x86) Firmware 4.13.100
– Added new Thin Client folder structure for IGEL Zero Clients
– Added default directory rules for IGEL Zero Clients folder structure
– Added Profiles for IGEL Linux V5 and the Shared Workplace Feature to configure a different display resolution
– Added Profile for IGEL Universal Desktop OS V5 to enable advanced Graphics support
– Added Profile for IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS V5 to enable the RDP inverted cursor color setting
– Added Profile for IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS V5 to setup a VNC Viewer session
– Added Profile for IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS V5 to disable the Shadowing “disconnect” button for the User
– Added Profile for IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS V5 to configure multiple WiFi access based on different SSID’s
– Fully removed Universal Desktop CE from the UMS Template (last IGEL Windows CE based product goes end of maintenance on 31.03.2014), Profiles are still available as Import file in the “Template via Import” folder but will not be part of the template anymore.
– Changed “Template via Import” subfolder structure, import is now based on OS Version (Linux, Windows ES or CE).
– Removed old Firmwares
– Profiles Total 470




Solution: Change Thin Client resolution for Shared Workplace Users with IGEL Linux V5.x.x

February 12th, 2014

Hello Folks,

if you are using the Shared Workplace Feature (assign Profiles to a Domain User and not to a Thin Client) you maybe have noticed a difference between the IGEL Linux V4 and V5.

In the old V4 Linux it was possible to assign a different resolution to a User to provide the User a lower resolution, this could be required if the User has bad eyes and can not work with an high HD resolution. This feature is gone in the new IGEL Linux V5 but still it can be done by a work around.

First of all you require a Shared Workplace License for the device, otherwise it will not work and also the Shared Workplace Feature must be enabled (Profile->Security->Login). To make it simple i’ve added the required UMS Profiles, just download the Archive and import it into the UMS. The pack contains four profiles:

Generate Resolution Scripts = This sprofile needs to be assigned to all Thin Clients that are using the Shared Workplace feature, it will generate three scripts to switch to the 1028×768, 1440×900 and 1680×1050 resolutions. You can modify this if required in the profile and change or add othere resolution scripts.

Set XXXXxXXX User resolution (3x)= These profiles will switch to the specified resolution by executing one of the previous generated scripts, one of these profiles needs to be assigned to the User which requires an other resolution. If the User performs a “Shared Workplace” Logoff the Client will switch back to the default resolution which is assigned to the client by an other profile (for example your “base” configuration).

The handling should be quite simple and maybe IGEL will provide this feature again together with a later released Firmware but until this you now have a working solution again.

Download: SWPResolutionProfiles



P.S.: Check out in advance that your Displays do really support the resolutions you set in this way, otherwise the User will get a black or messy screen… 😉 The ZIP attached to this blog contains also the required firmware settings to prevent UMS import issues, you can directly use the ZIP file for the import.