Archive for February 1st, 2012

New thinking of Zero Client?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Today IGEL announced a new Thin Client based on an ARM CPU which comes with a System on Chip (SoC) design for Citrix and Microsoft (more to go? :-)). Nothing special on the first view but this is mostly exactly what Zero Clients (other name for mostly limited thin clients) are doing. Where is the difference? So called Zero Clients are always limited to one type of service, the IGEL Version supports a couple of different solutions to keep it flexible. This makes IGEL one  step ahead before the most other vendors. I look forward to get my hands on the first sample and will post the results here. But still, it will need some weeks to go… The premiere will be at the CeBit this year.

You can pick up the press release here: German Press release



IGEL released UMS High Availability (HA) for the IGEL Universal Management Suite and the Shared Workplace Feature for the Thin Clients

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

With the new IGEL Universal Management Suite 4.01.100 two cool new things are released, first thing is the “large” enterprise High Availability feature which is designed for very large thin client environments. The second cool thing is the shared workplace feature (Firmware 4.08.100 or higher), it allows to assign a configuration to a user and not only to a device. This means high flexibilty for the users which is perfect for call centers or other environments where different users work on the same device. Both features require an additional license which needs to be bought seperate. For more information’s go to or contact to reseller.

