Hello Folks,
today i discussed this with a few guys and why not write this into an article.
A few reasons why a Nokia Lumia / Windows Phone is the best enterprise phone in my opinion.
1) Updates, Microsoft don’t deal with Software Updates like other Vendors (Samsung with Android as example!). Mobile Providers have to agree, different updates by region? Forget it! If the update is available you will get it and this really is a benefit and the main reason why i kicked out all Android based devices.
2) Worldwide (yes.. worldwide!) offline navigation is included. You are traveling a lot.. Don’t get a Map for the UAE, Brazil or whatever for your Navigation Software or the Vendor want to charge you (again). Not an issue with a Windows Phone 8.x, it already comes with a good offline navigation software called Here Maps or HereMaps+ (Windows Phone 8.1) for free incl. “offline” maps for 97 countries.
3) Dual Sim support, all new Nokia Mobiles are coming with a dual sim option by design and for only a few $.. Want to cut roaming cost? Here you go. Like 1) i call it the “Beat Mobile Provider” initiative and like 2) it’s very useful if you travel a lot.
4) Want to use mail? How much exchange connections can your current mail client handle? Want to use googlemail or whatever, just compare it to other mail clients and you will see the difference.
5) Nokia is the master of Mobile Phone device design.. For example if you get a Lumia 630 which is a very fast entry level phone, check out the case. Nobody can deal with plastic cases like Nokia (really), it feels expensive/precise with a perfect grip and well balanced weight and not like a 160€/US$ Phone. (did i already mentioned that a offline Navigation software is included?) 🙂
6) The new Universal Apps (Windows 8.1 / Windows Phone 8.1), means if you buy a Universal App you can use it with Windows 8.1 Laptops/Tablets/VM’s or Desktops and also with Windows Phone 8.1.
7) Change the region on the fly.. You want to change the region from the US to Mexico or from Germany to Switzerland? It’s just a setting (like for Windows) and not more, no region lock or useless crap like coming from other Vendors. If you move – Your device can also move and this is how it should be. Want to use cortana which is only available in the US? Change the region and install it..
These are only a few reasons and i don’t get paid for this 😉 …but iam really disappointed how Android or other solutions are used and offered as the biggest “thing” ever but big Vendors are not even able to provide similar updates at the same time for the same device worldwide; what a joke. I really like the alternative and what Microsoft is doing with Nokia at he moment and by this way, i don’t care that Android/IOS has more Games available in the Store.