Info: Is the IGEL UMS affected by the OpenSSL Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) issue?

Hello Folks,

i just made some tests but it doesn’t look like the IGEL Universal Management Suite is affected by the Heartbleed issue.

You can test against our public UMS Server if you like but here is the result:

UMS Console Port Default 8443 on our Server 443

UMS Console Port Default 8443 on our Server 443


I’ve tested the console port 8443 and the client connection port 30001, in both cases the results are ok and did not show up any Heartbleed related issue.




P.S.: Please note that I run only a test for the last Version 4.06.100 of the IGEL Universal Management Suite and that my test is not an official statement from IGEL Technology!