Hello Folks,
if you are using the Citrix Receiver together with Apple devices you may have discovered some certificate issues in the last weeks or months.
This means, you have imported a “valid” Certificate but the user is still not able to connect to your Citrix environment. Very common for this issue is the public CA GoDaddy and there are a couple of Admins running into this issue in the last weeks.
The reason for this issue is quite simple, a few CA’s now create all certificates valid after the 01-01-2017 as a SHA2 certificate, this SHA2 certificate is not supported by the Citrix Receiver for Apple OS’s in the moment. See also http://blogs.technet.com/b/pki/archive/2013/11/12/sha1-deprecation-policy.aspx
Only way to fix this at moment is to use an other certificate type or to wait until Citrix adds the SHA2 support for the Apple/Android/Linux receiver versions.
P.S.: Please refer also to the Citrix Client Feature Matrix mentioned in the previous post.