Tip: Fixing Windows 8.x to 10 Upgrade (Part 1… I assume.. :-( )

Hello Folks,

did you also already tried to upgrade to Windows 10? On some devices it runs smoothly but on other one’s it could be a real nightmare… To be honest i assume the release was a little bit to early or the developers for the upgrade routines got a few beer to much during the development. As you can read iam currently not really happy with the upgrade process….

Why? I tried to upgrade a bunch of different devices and only on 50% the upgrade worked with the first try… On the other devices like the Surface Pro 2 it fails with really funny and nonsense error messages. There are already a lot of tweaks available but here is a small checklist to prepare the upgrade from my site.

1) Run “Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" to verify your current installation (Windows 8.x) is working fine and correct. Maybe you are required to solve seperate issue here, try google in this case.. :-)
2) Uninstall any Virus Scanner from your current Windows, Virus Scanners can cause a lot of issues during the upgrade.
3) Add a Registry entry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade" DWord 32-> "AllowOSUpgrade" and set it to "1". (This seams also to force the upgrade if you did not got the Microsoft upgrade notice in advance).
4) If you already tried to upgrade remove the $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders from drive C:
5) Reboot and retry the upgrade thru Windows update.

In some cases this will fix the issue but not always so i assume there will be some follow up articles…. 🙁

