Hello Folks,
i’ve been asked to provide a ready to use .reg file to setup the Windows registry settings from our HDX Flash Redirection Troubleshooting guide (Here).
The registry file can be downloaded here: Here
You can also create it thru copy and paste, the file will do the 64-Bit and x86 related settings but please note:
1) You still need to enable HDX Flash thru Citrix Policies
2) You still need to install the Flash Plugin (not ActiveX Plugin!!!) at the Server and the Client!
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Have fun
P.S.: This will more or less force flash redirection for all Flash enabled Websites (thru Citrix Policy), for clients without a installed Flash Plugin only a colored Windows (color set thru a Citrix Policy.. again) will appear. So you need to verify that all clients in the environment have the Flash Plugin installed! Not compatible flash content will provide the same result!
P.S.2: You are responsible for it… And still this is my personal opinion how to handle flash movies for users:Best way how to handle flash content in business areas and yes.. Iam a bad Admin.