Hello Folks,
a new Whitepaper is available!
Regarding the point that i’ve been asked a lot of times how the Citrix Receiver 13 which comes with the latest IGEL Firmware’s needs to be configured to use Citrix Storefront, i’ve decided to provide a Whitepaper to cover these questions.
This Whitepaper is not a small one… It covers all “must have” configuration task and which ways are available to get it running (Webbrowser, Store and Legacy Mode) incl. some basic information’s how to deploy the required certificates and a few other things that are important to know before using the Citrix Receiver 13.
The Whitepaper is free available for download here: Download
It’s also the first time a Whitepaper is sponsored by a company, thank you to BCD-Sintrag for providing the Test Lab which has been used for the configuration samples.