some Users have reported some issues with a freezing local Firefox Browser in the IGEL Universal Desktop LX/OS.
This freeze is not IGEL related but it seems to be an issue with older Versions of the Firefox Browser and/or memory, i’ve run also into the issue with an device running 24/7 in browser kiosk mode (public internet terminal) but now it’s fixed for me.
To fix this perform one or more of there following steps:
1) Update to Firmware Version 4.10.100 (updated Version of Firefox)
2) In the advanced configuration of the BIOS make sure you have assigned at least 128MByte of RAM for the graphic memory in the Advanced Menu
3) Try a different version of the Adobe Flash Player, you can download different Versions from the Adobe Flashplayer download site and not all versions provide the same stability from my point of view.
4) For Universal Desktop OS converted devices make sure you’re device have at least 1GB of RAM