Hello Folks,
we’re close to the 1.500.000 visitors mark and after looking at some facts we are doing some changes.
1) The Forum will be discontinued since today, there will be something as alternative to ask questions in the future but it seams to be that the time for old school forum’s is gone and it doesn’t make sense to use resources on this in the future. Thanks to all registered users and i hope it’s not to bad for you! If you are a native german speaker check out www.igelfreun.de. All personal user information’s will be deleted without any backup to keep the registered user data save.
2) The blog is renamed from “Unofficial IGEL Thin Client Blog” to “blog@cloud-client.info” regarding the fact that other cloud solutions got a bigger impact to this blog in the last time, IGEL Thin and Zero Clients will be still a main focus. So no worry…
3) In the upcoming weeks a “small” cloud-client.info App will be available in the Windows App Store (Windows 8(.1) and RT), work is nearly done (~90%). The App will be for free with no Ads and no in-app sales crap. Stay tuned! The App will not be available for Android or IOS but if someone is intrested to port it just send me an email. π
4) UMS Online is still continued… π