Hello Folks,
iam happy to announce a new award:
The award will be given for any IT Product, Service Provider or Vendor that is noticeable for one or more of the following criteria:
– Bad product design
– Incredible software/hardware bugs
– Useless/not working features
– Useless User limitations
– Announcing wrong product specifications
– Providing bad customer/user service incl. product updates
– Fraud
The awarded Vendor will be informed thru email and of course they can use the award logo on the company/product website or marketing material if they want. The award will only given to vendors working “with intent”, means it will not given for a simple bug or that a support hotline is not available and/or can not be reached for a few hours. It must be a bigger issue and of course you can suggest products or vendors, please provide a detailed description “Why” the award should be given.
Any award will come with a detailed and reproducible description why the award has been given and the vendor can also respond with a public statement which will be published thru this blog if allowed from the “honoree”. There will be max. 12 Award’s per year = max. 1 per month, the price giving location is Zuerich, Switzerland.
Have fun!
P.S.: The award has nothing to do with IGEL, reason is the increddible amount of  products related to/for cloud-computing and the IT world which has been released in the last year’s and can not be fully used or where vendors provide a not working solution.