Migrated with UDC: HP Elitebook 8560p


i just tested migrating a HP Elitebook 8560p with the IGEL Universal Deskop OS Version 4.11.170 (non public release) and here are the results:

  HP Elitebook 8560p

Ethernet 1000/100/10: Working
WiFi (Atheros): Working
Touchpad: Synaptics (working with 4.11.170, not working with 4.11.100: if you’ve issues with touchpads ask the IGEL Support for this none official release)
USB Ports: All working incl. the USB 3.0 ports (!)
Audio: Working (Need to be switched from HDMI to Analog Audio, see here: https://blog.cloud-client.info/2012/12/18/tip-solving-audio-issues-with-igel-universal-deskotp-os-udc-migrated-devices/
Webcam: Working
SD Card Reader: Working
Smart Card Reader: Not tested
Fingerprint Reader: Not tested
GFX ( ATI 7400m): Only VESA Mode supported, no dual screen support but no issue regarding the display resolution: 1600×900 did also work with VESA mode during my test.
