Hello Folks,
maybe you used already the Citrix Receiver Switch in IGEL Linux Firmwares before Version 5.06.10x.
This old switch allowed you to switch between Citrix Receiver 12 and 13 and this was already really a unique feature. Since Version 5.06.10x you can switch between three Receiver Version, this allows you to choose the Receiver Version which works best for your requirements but you should note a few things.
From the release notes:
– Removed parameter “ica.useversion13″. Parameter was replaced by ica.activeversion
– Added parameter “ica.activeversion”, which is available in the registry and on page “Citrix > Citrix Receiver Selection”
in setup/UMS. This parameter is set to “Default” by default, which means that the used Citrix Receiver version is
the recommended version for the particular firmware version (in this firmware it is Receiver 13.1.3).
It is possible to change this behavior by pinpointing a specific Receiver version here, but if a later firmware
version does not contain the chosen version, the default version of this later firmware will be used instead.
CAUTION: Please note that the default version up to this firmware was 12.1.8 for a long time now.
With this firmware release, it switches to 13.1.3. You have to change “ica.activeversion” if you insist on
continuing to use Receiver 12.1.8.
This means, if you want to configure this thru the UMS the old Profiles will not work!!! You need to create a new profile for the new 5.06.10x firmware and than you are required to make the configuration thru System->Registry. Be warned, if you not perform this configuration in advance it can happen that the User is not able to connect to your Citrix environment. Tip: You can assign the old configuration (optimized for the Firmware < 5.06.100) and the new configuration at the same time thru the UMS. The firmware will choose the right setting by there own.