Tip: Fixing Microsoft Remote Desktop Services issue with IGEL Linux 5.02.100 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Hello Folks,

if you have discovered issues with the Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) client coming with the latest IGEL Linux V5.02.100 Firmware you should try the following setting:

If using the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) make sure the profile is optimzed for a Firmware 5.x.x.

In the setup browse to Sessions-RDP-RDP Global-Options and enable the RDP Legacy Mode, if you are using an older UMS Version and the setting is not shown in the GUI browse to System-Registry-RDP and enable RDP Legacy Mode here.

Assign the profile and restart the RDS Session, issues shown on the server (like not working RDS Services) should be gone now.

