Archive for August 27th, 2014

Info: Citrix going back the Linux way… Register for the XenDesktop/XenApp Linux Desktop Tech Preview now.

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

Hi Folks,

after years Citrix is going back the Linux way… You can now register for a XenDesktop/XenApp 7.5 Linux Desktop Tech Preview. This means: Offer your users a Linux Desktop or Apps.

There are a couple of reasons why to offer a Linux Desktop or App to the Users, App is not available for Windows like some Linux based GFX Tools, Licensing fee’s or general issues with Desktop OS Licensing for cloud offerings (CSP). So i really like to see what happens here in the future…

If you want to register for the Tech Preview or to get more information’s just visit the Citrix Blog here: Citrix Blog

Have Fun


Info: Holiday end and back in business

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

Hello Folks,

not much updates here during the last weeks, reason is quite simple: I was in vacation and got a lot of work on my table after i was back in the office. 🙂

Since the upcoming firmware releases from IGEL a new category will be added. In the category “New feature highlight” i will introduce you new “cool” features coming with the latest firmware or other important changes coming with a release.

Stay tuned
